Sunday, May 13, 2007


So here I am watching Sunday TV waiting for the gym to open and what do I stumble across. An infomercial that in the 5 seconds I stopped to see what it was used the word "booty" several times. So I was intrigue, kind of in a way you are intrigued by lab mice. So I stayed on the channel for probably 7 minutes and counted how many times they said booty. I stopped counting at 85. Now at that pace if you were to watch it from beginning to end you would probably hear the word booty at least 360 times. Does this seem excessive to anyone else? I mean I am all for hammering a point home I quite often repeat instructions to students multiple times, but I feel it is important to put your instrument away properly. The name of said product if anyone is interested is Yoga, Booty, Ballet. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not quite the same. I am not making a judgement on whether people should use the word booty. It's just another example of the feeling the standard for society just keeps getting lower and lower. oh well maybe it's just me. I have been told I can be a bit of a snob, but what the hell do those people know.

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