Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I hate being an adult

Not that I am very often, but when the opportunity presents itself I shudder at the thought. I have been giving a lot of thought lately to the idea of buying a home and a new"er" car. Man I have no clue how my parents did it and raised four children. Well 3 I don't think one of my brothers has yet grown up I am not sure he ever will. Hell I don't know how anyone does it. The cost of doing anything is so great I am not sure I will be able to. I know I can but it's just so hard. I mean finally being out of blinding poverty and in a situation where I can even think about these things is great don't get me wrong. It just brings up whole other concerns. Like if I buy a house, I can't just quit my job whenever. That's another thing. Granted I am only 31 but this will be the longest I have ever had the same job. Yes the theatre was 4 years but two in the Box Office and two in advancement. I have now been at school for 3 years and am now going on to my 4th. Good for me but at the same time am I going to stop feeling young. I have always been happy that I never have felt old, though my body at times has indicated otherwise. Not that I want to "relate" to the kids today, but I would like to remember what it was like to be young and carefree and think I had all the answers. Alas to have someone else take care of all the none fun adult things like house payments oh well I guess I knew it couldn't last forever but hey I have a while before it really happens I have a year left on this place.:)

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