Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I love Elementary Schools

I was walking back from a good workout and a trip to the grocery store, when I happened to notice something. I have walked past this grade school at least 20 times since moving downtown and I have been past it before I moved down here but I saw something that made me smile. Around the fenced in Playground area were signs. I these signs were flag colors of various countries and also the word for peace in each their respective languages. The fact that these are up makes me think and smile. I would like to think that the teachers for these children are teaching more than just 2 + 2, but more of a greater sense of the world around them and the world they don't know or perceive yet. I love that age group of kids they are so wonderful. Learning can still be a game and fun for them. Ah well it makes me happy to think even if just this small school is teaching like this at least someone is.

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