Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What is qualified?

I am curious these days to know what qualifications I need for certain jobs. Jobs where people doing the job currently have a background in receptionist work. I would think 3.5 years of teaching, 2 years in professional fundraising and computer skills out the ass, plus countless years in customer service from food service to ticket sales, would be sufficient but whatever.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It's dating... it's job hunting... stop you're both right.

Job hunting and dating can be considered one in the same. Not only are the both gerunds, (my favorite grammatical term) but they are both time consuming and soul sucking. The rejection level is high, people don't call you back much for the same reasons, people are cowards and don't like potentially sticky situations. Nobody likes to tell someone they don't want them for either dating or a job. People like even less being told those things. But myself personally I would like to know. I am a big boy I can handle these things. I am not saying that I wouldn't be upset at a rejection, but at least that melancholy would only last so long. The outright ignoring and avoidance brings on a certain type of bitterness that can last for years. Two examples this week actually both kicked me in the balls right in a row Friday night. A guy I had been talking to and had made plans for Friday night just started ignoring me, fine whatever. Then I go out with friends and the job I was really hoping to get the people I would interview with, two of which are really good friends, were out. Not thinking much about it until I over heard them talking about having interviewed 14 people already. I not being one of them... Super. Here comes that bitterness. I mean I understand not interviewing me fine but not even a letter of rejection just hoping I wouldn't ask. That's good times had by all.

When one has to advertise themselves to get anywhere in this world it is hard being an introvert and honest with ones self about faults and short comings. Mostly because we see ourselves in less than favorable light. Also I don't ever want to come off as a bragger, I hate those types of people and I hate more that we have to be like that just to get anywhere in this world. I know I am a bright, intelligent, hard working person that would add great things to any company. or relationship.

Being single is a hell of a lot easier than being unemployed. Though the sad thing is some days it's not.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Game Night

So my friends and I have decided that we would take the month of January off from going to the bars. *Sidebar* Ok so I thought the Match.com ads were creepy, and they still are, but the one I am looking at now at the top of the page takes the cake. you know those little game ads that if you win you get a "free cell phone". Normally they are cute like two sumo wrestlers but this one is so disturbing I have to share. There is some poor boy trying to swim away from Piranhas and as you might have guessed if you don't play you just get to see this boy be chased down and eaten over and over again. *sidebar over*. Anyway so we are taking a month off, which I am all for. I have never really been a fan of the bars anyway but it does break up just sitting at home waiting for a man to fall through the ceiling. Anyway so to stave off insanity we have decided to have a game night. or movie night whatever occurs. The question that pops into my head is, does this make us old or just beyond nerdy and pathetic? Or maybe a little of all of that. Look I am fine with being nerdy I have been all of my life I know this and embrace it. I also accept that we all get older including myself, but I just really don't want to be pathetic. Of course that boat might have already sailed if I am really waiting for a man to fall through the ceiling. Alas alak I may never know. For pathetic behavior is all in the eye of the beholder.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Over break I slipped back into old habits of staying up late and sleeping in. Three years teaching and my body still refuses to get into a different sleeping pattern. I had to take Tylenol pm Sunday and Monday night. I was so groggy the last few mornings. My friend Charles had it right when he got into a job that had him working from 2-10pm and slept till noon. I should really find a job that allows me to do the same.:)

Mostly I think it's all in my head. I don't want to go to sleep because before I know it I am back at my job. Since I have come back I have dreaded every morning. I just need it to be over I need to be done with this. I need to get the hell out of there to save my sanity. Right now it is less about the money and more about the situation. I would almost ask my mother for a loan and quit while I look for a job. I won't, but it's very tempting. God I need to leave so bad. We will see.