1 month ago
Friday, May 15, 2009
Playing hookey
I haven't done this in a long time but I looked at what I had to do today and said f*ck it. Today was a half day and then some nonsense of a "field day" and a school wide tricycle race. When I saw the inflatable bouncy castle and all the "toys" they put out on the football field. I just said to myself "They can't afford me but they can throw money away on this crap?" Yea that is when I said screw it I am going home. And thus I am at home not watching a stupid tricycle race. Have a good weekend everyone.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Ok maybe I have a problem...
Yes I am aware that I love my shoes and have a few. Ok I have a lot. I really don't keep count for fear of realizing I have a problem.When I moved into this apartment a little under a year ago I purged my shoes of about 8 pairs. They were mostly pairs I didn't wear or were falling apart. Over this last year I have only purchased I would say 3 pairs of new shoes. Of course this could be a low estimate because really each outing for shoes have just blurred together over the years. After moving to this very small apartment I have become very aware of how much I have. After living in large places with many rooms the prior 4 years, it just collects without really noticing. This last year has been one of purge and simplification. Yesterday one of my oldest and best friends came into town and stayed at my place. I decided that I needed to do some cleaning. In doing so I threw out quite a bit of stuff I just didn't need or have space for. The fact that my place is small it didn't take that long to do the clearing. Through all this I did consolidate my shoes. I pitched 8 pairs. I went back and for fun counted. 28. Yes 28 pairs of shoes Which means at some point I had well over 40 pair. I also would like to get my clothing down to at most 3 loads of laundry. I am not sure this is all possible but It's what I need.
Yes I am a Shoaholic and I am seeking help. No more shoes till I can part with a few more. Yea we'll see how that goes.
Yes I am a Shoaholic and I am seeking help. No more shoes till I can part with a few more. Yea we'll see how that goes.
Friday, May 8, 2009
To Special K
I have taken the fact that I am now looking for a full time job is somehow an inconvenience to you. And that somehow this is more about you than me. I can look past that but today, yet again you just leave the classroom while you still have students, and that is just plain stupid. Thank you for just kicking me while I am down. Actually the more I think about it I should thank you. You are making it easier for me to just wash my hands of you, walk away and not care. The fact that this school would choose to keep such a lazy, self involved, raging incompetent over me just makes me warm inside. I usually get that feeling before vomiting. All I have to say is good luck with anyone of the following tasks that I have done and you have not. Library inventory, Locker inventory, Instrument checkout and return, Any number of storage issues, keeping the band room clean, making sure someone is around at the end of the day so the kids can get their instruments and practice, knowing every students name, keeping a budget, making a budget, staying ahead of the game, not making excuses for the kids... really I could go on. If it wasn't for the fact that all of this effects students I would get some giddy pleasure out of watching you drown next fall. Though the sad truth is that you will just fall into the old ways of leaving when you want and leaving the band room open so anyone can come in and steal. But of course you won't know that because you won't stay up on the inventory nor will you make the kids check out the instruments. But that's fine too because then you will just buy buy buy whatever and go way over budget again and maybe you will go back to spend band money on personal things. Here is hoping the school doesn't find out because they could fire you for that.
Ah well I know I am better off leaving. I just find it very unfair that that bitch gets whatever she wants and they all think she is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Screw her hopefully she will grow from the experience or get fired.
Ah well I know I am better off leaving. I just find it very unfair that that bitch gets whatever she wants and they all think she is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Screw her hopefully she will grow from the experience or get fired.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Open letter from Belligerent Gay Driver
Dear f*%#wad,
I understand that at 7am not many people are leaving the parking lot of my apartment building but there is no need to pull into said parking lot and block cars in. Especially if you are going to take your sweet ass time. Actually it wasn't 7 am it was more like 6:50 and you didn't come back out to move your car until 7:07 but who knows how long you had been there. It also wouldn't have been so bad if the lot had been full but it wasn't or the street 20 feet away had more than the required 1 spot you would have needed for your car.
To all of that I say suck a big donkey dick.
Also when you do finally emerge from whatever the hell you were doing, don't stand around saying you are sorry. If you were sorry you would just move your damned car. Or better yet just don't f@#$ing park your god damned car there. Move it fuctard.
Belligerent Gay Driver
I understand that at 7am not many people are leaving the parking lot of my apartment building but there is no need to pull into said parking lot and block cars in. Especially if you are going to take your sweet ass time. Actually it wasn't 7 am it was more like 6:50 and you didn't come back out to move your car until 7:07 but who knows how long you had been there. It also wouldn't have been so bad if the lot had been full but it wasn't or the street 20 feet away had more than the required 1 spot you would have needed for your car.
To all of that I say suck a big donkey dick.
Also when you do finally emerge from whatever the hell you were doing, don't stand around saying you are sorry. If you were sorry you would just move your damned car. Or better yet just don't f@#$ing park your god damned car there. Move it fuctard.
Belligerent Gay Driver
Friday, May 1, 2009
Conflicted and yet not.
As mine time at this school comes to a close I am conflicted on my feelings about leaving. On the one hand It would be nice to get into a job that I can leave at work. So much of my life these past 5 years has been consumed by this school. I go home and work after working at school. It will be nice to actually leave work and go do something else. No grading, no lesson plans, no score study, no planning for the net concert, rehearsal or whatever the f*ck I come up with. No stressing over Special K's incompetence and her unwillingness to change. Let's face it there are quite a few things I will not miss. Faculty meetings for one, useless assemblies, stupid teachers, a band room that floods and has no climate control. Yea maybe my health will improve. I haven't written a lick of music in 5 years because so much of my time has been devoted to this and when I don't have this I am exhausted.
It's really the kids I will miss. I really do love them for the most part. I enjoy that they do drive me crazy at times. I will miss being the smartest one in the room. lol I will miss seeing them every day and watching them progress and grow and become adults. I will miss seeing their big accomplishments. I know they are not my kids but they may be as close as I get And I will miss them.
It's really the kids I will miss. I really do love them for the most part. I enjoy that they do drive me crazy at times. I will miss being the smartest one in the room. lol I will miss seeing them every day and watching them progress and grow and become adults. I will miss seeing their big accomplishments. I know they are not my kids but they may be as close as I get And I will miss them.
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