Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ding Dong the Witch is dead

Now I am not one to celebrate the death of people, BUT there are few in this world that I will not mourn their passing. One is Jerry Falwell. I have no love loss for that, and I use the term loosely, man. He was a vile and hateful person and his legacy of hate will most likely live on. He has been an inspiration to so many hate mongers and those who would rather divide than unite. The words acceptance and tolerance are, I mean were so far out of his vocabulary. I shouldn't be but I am happy that I can speak of him in the past tense.

Today I also listened to a partial interview with Newt Gingrich. I say partial because he had agreed to be on for a full hour and then after forty minutes said time was up and just hung up. Before hanging up he was asked about how he felt about his role in how politics have become so divisive since his "Contract for America" He actually sat there and said he felt that he had no part in that. I so very much have to disagree. This is a man who encourage the rhetoric of hate the opposition because they are evil and lets say the worst things about them, "Anything to win" mentality. There is no compromise only our way. Now as the elections and presidential bids are coming together he is all about coming together and mending fences. Bullshit you just want to get elected. Let's talk about a few things Mr. Gingrich, let's hate gay because they are easy to hate and it gets people to vote for you. Except you have a gay sister, I bet she loves you or hates herself. President Clinton was wrong to have an affair it was immoral and he should be impeached. Ummm... didn't you have a mistress while your wife was dying, yea that would have been you.

God I love politics

Sunday, May 13, 2007


So here I am watching Sunday TV waiting for the gym to open and what do I stumble across. An infomercial that in the 5 seconds I stopped to see what it was used the word "booty" several times. So I was intrigue, kind of in a way you are intrigued by lab mice. So I stayed on the channel for probably 7 minutes and counted how many times they said booty. I stopped counting at 85. Now at that pace if you were to watch it from beginning to end you would probably hear the word booty at least 360 times. Does this seem excessive to anyone else? I mean I am all for hammering a point home I quite often repeat instructions to students multiple times, but I feel it is important to put your instrument away properly. The name of said product if anyone is interested is Yoga, Booty, Ballet. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not quite the same. I am not making a judgement on whether people should use the word booty. It's just another example of the feeling the standard for society just keeps getting lower and lower. oh well maybe it's just me. I have been told I can be a bit of a snob, but what the hell do those people know.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

as for the previous post

just ignore that it was the bitter rantings of a drunk man that denied himself cheese sticks from White Castle last night. I am fine. I should never drink like that.

Friday, May 4, 2007

I'm not gonna lie

I am a bit drunk right now and probably shouldn't be posting anything at all. But. WTF is up with guys or in this case one guy who has shown interest and then completely ignores me. I mean really what is up with that. I know I am not much of an outgoing personality when it comes to people in general and even less when I have an interest in someone but really I did take the time to email and try to comunicate. But what ever. Thier loss really. Fuck dateing.***** disclaimer I am drunk 5 Jack and cokes******* Ok I should go to bed it is 1:31 am.

Good night all I hope you are all well.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Care packages

I don't know what got me thinking about those today. I never really got one when I was in college. Not one that came in the mail. But I saw my parents quite frequently and when I did my mom and dad would bring me something whether it was food, money, this or that so in a way I did. They came to almost every concert I had in school. The two they missed one was because weather was so bad they couldn't make it and the other time was when my grandmother died. So pretty good excuses if you ask me.

End of school is looming ever closer and only 7 more days of classes. Because my classes are mixed with seniors I don't do anything after senior finals which are a week before everyone else's. My applied class I believe will be playing bocce ball. A sport I have grown to love over the years. I am also loving the fact that I have gotten 15 kids to sign up for orchestra next year. This is an ensemble that at most has had 7. Of course the person doing the ensemble before me didn't try to grow the program and has actively tried to suppress it and kill it. I have 8 freshmen and 2 new sophomores. If I can continue to pull 6-10 freshmen every year in 4 years I will have an orchestra of more than 30. Which for string orchestras is pretty good. Especially a string orchestra at a private school. I think I can really make this my own and break free from Kathy.

Ah well we will see.