I am not saying that a certain Senator from Idaho is in fact gay and honestly I don't care. But one would think that if you are innocent you would plead that way and that you would not plead guilty to a charge that basically puts you in the light of being gay. All I have heard on news clips for the past two days is said lawmaker saying "I am not gay, I have never been gay." I just want him to follow that with, "I just like the cock." How many of these scandals have to come out, so to speak, before we address why these scandals happen. Religious leaders, other Senators, and Governors of New Jersey. The majority of which are people who espouse so called morality and then engage in shady dealings. Granted the governor did carry on with consenting adults but he was married. And the congressman from Florida was not married but creepy enough going after children. And religious leaders following his moral compass to a drug dealing prostitute. I am not even going to get into other "straight" public leaders who preach to us and have dirty dealings in the dark alley ways of D.C. *cough* D.C .Madam *cough*. I find it most distressing that as soon as gay is mentioned Larry Craig is being bullied out of office by the RNC. I thought the republican party was an inclusive party one open to gays and minorities? So why so eager to ditch the homo? Why because republicans don't like gays. Well that is not true they like the self loathing gays that will vote their ticket. When the republican party will return the money of the Log Cabin republicans of North Carolina and say you are not welcome at our state convention… but vote Bush Cheney. I shake my head. We as a society still would rather people play on the down low, cheat on spouses, go to prostitutes then allow people be who they are and live their lives happily and freely. These people the ones who sneak around in their closets and hope no one notices are still luckier than those who accept they are gay but can't live with it. The number of teens and other's who kill themselves everyday because someones god said they shouldn't live, is just disturbing. Would we not cut down on the spread of disease if we taught people that no matter who you sleep with make sure you are protecting yourself and the person you sleep with? Why should young homosexuals wait for marriage? There is no wedded bliss for them. No one is there telling them to protect themselves or maybe you are worth waiting for a nice gay. Instead the gay community worships the young, and has so many activities of "pride" around who can be the biggest slut. I mean hell, out of one side of our mouth we raise money to raise awareness and fight AIDS, but there are also large parts of the community chasing after the disease akin to a rite of passage. The inconsistency of everyones message is baffling and disconcerting. I must say people are more open and accepting these days more so then 20 years ago. Hell it is even better than 10 years ago. But I believe it is better in spite of legislature that tells 10% of the American populous you are a second class citizen and we don't trust with children and we don't care about the betterment of your lives.
So why am I distressed by the news lately? Not because some old man was trying to get a little slap and tickle in an airport bathroom, but because the "Moral Majority" is repressing itself on us and is causing more problems than it is solving.