Blah Blah Blah, I voted on Friday, yea early voting. That isn't what this entry is about. But if you haven't voted please do so. It is your civic duty as an American citizen to do so. Unless you are one of the Pakistanis reading this blog.
Anyway so it has been fun today asking the seniors in my classes if they have voted. Many that are old enough to have already. I don't ask who they voted for I don't care. I look at it this way how many of us at age 18 had a well formed opinion about politics? I remember when I first became aware of politics I decided that I was a Republican because my parents were Democrats and I wasn't like my parents so I must be something else. I had no idea what either meant and at the time I didn't care. In my county there were very few Democrats on any ticket so I assumed it was good to be a Republican. Not that being either is better or worse. I think both parties can have good qualities and not so good qualities.
In the years since my first election experience I have become an avid supporter of knowing your candidate and what he or she stands for and what they are most likely going to do in office. See there is the thing what they MAY do in office. We all know from experience that what is said on the campaign trail and done in the public service can be drastically different. I try to remind people that the President is not an all powerful dictator and can not do what ever they wish, though contrary to the last 8 years. But my favorite part of this is when students express opinions. I usually zero in on the loudest voice and calmly ask a simple question. That question being "Give me five issues that your candidate supports and why you agree or disagree." That usually stumps them, because they are unaware of what the issues are. I then like to challenge them to find out and see if they actually still like their candidate of choice. Understand I only do this to the loud mouth students who are berating other students for their choices. And yes I have done this for students supporting either Party.
I did find it fun however to explain what a Libertarian was. And why Bars are closed on election day.
Happy election day go our and vote unless you already have and in that case have a nice day.
1 month ago
You became a Republican to rebel against your Democrat parents? How Alex P. Keaton of you!
I know right I was thinking the same thing lol. I was 9 or 10 it was during the second Regan election.
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