1 month ago
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Umm... yea
So while sitting in the drive thru of my bank I noticed the truck in front of me was sporting an interesting bumper sticker. It said "Save an American Driver, Shoot a Honda Driving Bitch" For those who don't know I drive a Honda and so did the car in front of the truck so I just leaned out my window and said, "Sir, you should leave you are surrounded, run quickly!" Ok I really didn't mostly because the guy might have actually pulled a gun and shot this Honda Driving Bitch.
Homecoming days
Well I am on Spring break. To balance out last years which I don't remember much of, I am taking it a bit easier. I have decided that like homecoming week I would have theme days. Yesterday was Pajama day. it was the day I could do absolutely nothing and stay in my pj's all day long. Well I did get dressed when Mom called and we went to dinner. But that was like 5pm I had spent the rest of the day on my couch. It was glorious, and did you know there is absolutely nothing on TV during the day? Yea I didn't know that either.
Today has been designated at drinking day. Here in a bit I am going to send a text out to anyone interested that I will be at Olley's drinking until I stop. I will most likely end up at the Metro for Kareoke. So anyone wanting to come and encourage this and by encourage I mean buy me a drink, by all means stop by. Because a drunk Maestro is a fun Maestro.
Tomorrow is Eat Whatever I Want day. I feel this is a good follow up to the Drinking day and Thursday is Get Cultured day. The IMA is free on Thursdays so I think I will pop over there and see what's on the walls.
Now I am open for suggestions on what Friday will be. I have made no plans for that day. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.
Today has been designated at drinking day. Here in a bit I am going to send a text out to anyone interested that I will be at Olley's drinking until I stop. I will most likely end up at the Metro for Kareoke. So anyone wanting to come and encourage this and by encourage I mean buy me a drink, by all means stop by. Because a drunk Maestro is a fun Maestro.
Tomorrow is Eat Whatever I Want day. I feel this is a good follow up to the Drinking day and Thursday is Get Cultured day. The IMA is free on Thursdays so I think I will pop over there and see what's on the walls.
Now I am open for suggestions on what Friday will be. I have made no plans for that day. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Not MySpace
Well I went ahead and deleted my account on MySpace not because I am getting a facebook account. I am not really hip enough to really dedicate any amount of time to either one. Ah well it was ... interesting while it lasted. It brought up such questions like, I didn't really like this person when I knew them in high school you know 15 years ago why would I accept their friend request now? So now I don't have to worry about such things and really I put no effort and got nothing in return so I just took it down.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Nerdy Protegees
I swear I blink and a week has gone by. These last two weeks have just flown by. I am not really sure what I did but I will take it. Maybe it's because daylight savings time has really been kicking my ass. I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination but it's worse when you get up at 5:30 to have to get up at what was 4:30. Let's just say I haven't been making it to work in a timely fashion this last week. I am still there before the bell rings but man I am draggin' ass like no other. The up side is that my class couldn't be better. I had a great after school rehearsal Wednesday and yesterday.
The other thing is I brought a video of lectures Leonard Bernstein did at Harvard in '73. I was only going to show the first half of the first DVD in the 6 disc series. But my Independent Studies kids loved it. I mean really loved it. Usually kids will half watch and try to do homework, fidget, sleep, talk or try to text but these guys just sat and watched. I thought I was nerdy but they just loved it and asked if they could watch more. I said sure. Because really this takes care of them for the next 2 weeks. I will have to come up with something for them to do that relates to it but I don't think that will be a problem. I am actually very glad they liked it. I wanted to show it to them but figured they would be bored and not get anything from it. I really like this group of guys they are very into talking about music and I can totally get into that. I have 4 seniors and 1 Junior in the class and 3 of the seniors are going to major in music and the Junior is a really good songwriter and wants to pursue that. Independent Studies use to be a pain because most of the time kids would sign up so they didn't have to do anything, so you would have to struggle to get them working but these guys are great and work all the time.
So I guess I could start the count down but I am afraid that when I do the days are going to start dragging. But I am now 2 weeks out from Spring Break. There I said it let the weekends fly and the class periods slip into epic lengths. I will just say 2 weeks and not do a day and hour count. That will come later when I become more desperate for a break.
The other thing is I brought a video of lectures Leonard Bernstein did at Harvard in '73. I was only going to show the first half of the first DVD in the 6 disc series. But my Independent Studies kids loved it. I mean really loved it. Usually kids will half watch and try to do homework, fidget, sleep, talk or try to text but these guys just sat and watched. I thought I was nerdy but they just loved it and asked if they could watch more. I said sure. Because really this takes care of them for the next 2 weeks. I will have to come up with something for them to do that relates to it but I don't think that will be a problem. I am actually very glad they liked it. I wanted to show it to them but figured they would be bored and not get anything from it. I really like this group of guys they are very into talking about music and I can totally get into that. I have 4 seniors and 1 Junior in the class and 3 of the seniors are going to major in music and the Junior is a really good songwriter and wants to pursue that. Independent Studies use to be a pain because most of the time kids would sign up so they didn't have to do anything, so you would have to struggle to get them working but these guys are great and work all the time.
So I guess I could start the count down but I am afraid that when I do the days are going to start dragging. But I am now 2 weeks out from Spring Break. There I said it let the weekends fly and the class periods slip into epic lengths. I will just say 2 weeks and not do a day and hour count. That will come later when I become more desperate for a break.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Corporate fingerprints
I was listening to NPR today and they were talking about how YouTube pulled out of a deal that would allow music videos from the UK on the site. They pulled out because the British representatives were asking a "ridiculous"(YouTube's word not mine) amount for the rights. I thought okay well maybe they are but I think professionals should be paid for their work. That was until they stated it was for professionals and for amateurs. Wait these people wanted money for people who themselves would not be paid. Does anyone else see a problem with this? So here is what I read from all this is that if I were to make a music video in the UK and posted it on YouTube someone would be collecting money for every view, however that person wouldn't be me. Yes I believe that those who do the work should be paid for it but come on. I really dislike how we have to make a buck off everything. Libraries are great but some smart person decided that if we put a coffee shop in our huge book store and be okay with people reading our books without paying because they will eventually and we can still make money even though I could go to a library and really not pay anything. The Internet is this wonderful place where people could share information without charge but now everyone is trying to find away to charge for the net. But until they do find a way to charge for every possible thing I will continue to enjoy the free things like this blog.
*Please deposit $2.99 for the next blog entry*
*Please deposit $2.99 for the next blog entry*
Monday, March 9, 2009
The next step.
I think I have discovered what I want to do with my life. I feel I should become a life coach. I have to wonder though, how does one become a life coach? I mean what degree does one get that qualifies you to be a life coach. I can understand who would be drawn to it. My niece will make an excellent life coach one day. At age 3 she is very good at pointing out when you do something wrong and will be quick with the "NO, NO, NO That is not how you play. Do it this way!" Telling people how to run their lives and pointing out what they do wrong, sign me up. Basically I am doing it now I just don't get paid as well as I would suspect a Life Coach would get paid. Do they seek out a life coach or does that pushy, bossy girl we all knew from elementary school just bully you into paying for the "advice" they are handing out. I mean I could do that how hard is it. I would like to know up front if I can smack them. Because if I can I may do some pro bono work on the side. Hmm... imagine if you will me, a life coach. I really like this plan.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Why there is a banking crisis.
This is an actual email I sent to my bank. Note how I refrained from calling them fuctards. Good for me.
My name is Disgruntled Customer I have a checking account with you and you have deactivated my debit card. Even though I went in a week ago to a branch to return the card that was mistakenly sent to my previous address and forwarded to my current address And it wasn't even mine. I am sure the woman for whom that card belongs would actually like it. Much like myself, I would like my new card. I would also like for you to stop defaulting to previous addresses when in your system you have current addresses for me (I had the very nice woman at the branch check for me). While at the branch I also let her know that I have yet to receive my new card. I also expressed a desire for the only card I have not to be deactivated. She said it would be taken care of. It worked just fine this week until today when I went to use it and very embarrassingly so was declined. I would like to point out that this is not the first time such things have occurred but this has become an ongoing problem when it comes to my changing addresses, getting new cards, changing pin numbers and you 6 years ago closing out a savings account without notification and refusing to acknowledge that you did so. I had a savings account with this bank since before Stupid Financial bought it and that savings account never needed a minimum and when Idiot Bank took over they let me keep it like that until you didn't like that, deleted it and then told me I never had such a thing.
Seriously get me a new card or reactivate the old one. This problem is getting old and quite frankly I am over it.
Please fix it soon I would like to buy groceries and since your branches are never open when I am not at work I will have to dig for change in my couch.
Thank you
Also it took me 20 minutes to find a way to email you. This really shouldn't be buried like this unless you really don't want people contacting you. Just a thought.
My name is Disgruntled Customer I have a checking account with you and you have deactivated my debit card. Even though I went in a week ago to a branch to return the card that was mistakenly sent to my previous address and forwarded to my current address And it wasn't even mine. I am sure the woman for whom that card belongs would actually like it. Much like myself, I would like my new card. I would also like for you to stop defaulting to previous addresses when in your system you have current addresses for me (I had the very nice woman at the branch check for me). While at the branch I also let her know that I have yet to receive my new card. I also expressed a desire for the only card I have not to be deactivated. She said it would be taken care of. It worked just fine this week until today when I went to use it and very embarrassingly so was declined. I would like to point out that this is not the first time such things have occurred but this has become an ongoing problem when it comes to my changing addresses, getting new cards, changing pin numbers and you 6 years ago closing out a savings account without notification and refusing to acknowledge that you did so. I had a savings account with this bank since before Stupid Financial bought it and that savings account never needed a minimum and when Idiot Bank took over they let me keep it like that until you didn't like that, deleted it and then told me I never had such a thing.
Seriously get me a new card or reactivate the old one. This problem is getting old and quite frankly I am over it.
Please fix it soon I would like to buy groceries and since your branches are never open when I am not at work I will have to dig for change in my couch.
Thank you
Also it took me 20 minutes to find a way to email you. This really shouldn't be buried like this unless you really don't want people contacting you. Just a thought.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
No longer sick...
Well not Physically...
Right now I am just watching The Gilmore Girls. I really loved this show. I miss that it is not on any more.
So this weekend was interesting. I finally got to see little Parker. She is adorable, even when she was a bit fussy. She has cute red hair and chubby little cheeks. It all makes me want to have one. Alas... I will just barrow my friends babies.
Saturday I spent the evening at Olly's not drinking, because I was on antibiotics and I am suppose to. At least that is what the Dr. said. I tend to believe trained professionals, I am weird like that.
School has been fine nothing exciting or stupid. Well that is not true. Today Special K was there after her classes were done which usually means there is a meeting after school. As I was sitting there working and the end of the school day was approaching and I look up and say "Is there a meeting after school that I forgot?" Special K replied "No, why?" "Well you are here." "No, I am just doing what my contract says and work." Not really sure what to say to that except, about damned time. Though I didn't say that. Seriously this is what I have to sorta work with here.
Fun times.
Right now I am just watching The Gilmore Girls. I really loved this show. I miss that it is not on any more.
So this weekend was interesting. I finally got to see little Parker. She is adorable, even when she was a bit fussy. She has cute red hair and chubby little cheeks. It all makes me want to have one. Alas... I will just barrow my friends babies.
Saturday I spent the evening at Olly's not drinking, because I was on antibiotics and I am suppose to. At least that is what the Dr. said. I tend to believe trained professionals, I am weird like that.
School has been fine nothing exciting or stupid. Well that is not true. Today Special K was there after her classes were done which usually means there is a meeting after school. As I was sitting there working and the end of the school day was approaching and I look up and say "Is there a meeting after school that I forgot?" Special K replied "No, why?" "Well you are here." "No, I am just doing what my contract says and work." Not really sure what to say to that except, about damned time. Though I didn't say that. Seriously this is what I have to sorta work with here.
Fun times.
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