Well not Physically...
Right now I am just watching The Gilmore Girls. I really loved this show. I miss that it is not on any more.
So this weekend was interesting. I finally got to see little Parker. She is adorable, even when she was a bit fussy. She has cute red hair and chubby little cheeks. It all makes me want to have one. Alas... I will just barrow my friends babies.
Saturday I spent the evening at Olly's not drinking, because I was on antibiotics and I am suppose to. At least that is what the Dr. said. I tend to believe trained professionals, I am weird like that.
School has been fine nothing exciting or stupid. Well that is not true. Today Special K was there after her classes were done which usually means there is a meeting after school. As I was sitting there working and the end of the school day was approaching and I look up and say "Is there a meeting after school that I forgot?" Special K replied "No, why?" "Well you are here." "No, I am just doing what my contract says and work." Not really sure what to say to that except, about damned time. Though I didn't say that. Seriously this is what I have to sorta work with here.
Fun times.
1 month ago
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