So years ago when I was working a band camp. There was this girl who was hired to work with us. The group of people that had been working there had known each other for year and I have to say was a pretty damned smart group of people. Well anyway this girl who had come from a pretty competitive high school in the area and at age 20 thought she knew it all. Fine whatever we all think that when we are 20. Some don't grow out of it till they are in their 40's some never. She was taking young enthusiasm to a whole new level. I understand wanting to get the most out of ones experiences, especially after high school. But come on you aren't going to get to run rehearse after only a few weeks with an established group. I mean seriously I had been with the band for 3 summers and the other staff I had known for years as did the band director. And if you know anything about me and my friends we can be a tough shell to crack. We have lots of inside jokes and we know how we work together. Now it is not impossible because we had added the other staff in pretty well. Except this young women, Not really through any fault of ours. She was more interested in telling us what we were doing wrong and making up stories about us. The best was at band camp when she told me and another staffer that she was going up to put on some sunscreen and she left the camp. This was on a Wednesday and we were there till Saturday. She slipped a "note" under the directors door packed her car and left. The note said she wasn't going to talk about the staff and then proceeded for 3 pages to trash us. I laughed at it. The kids didn't like her she really didn't know what she was doing and really it wasn't a loss. Then after the camp she called to complain that she didn't get paid for the full week of camp.
She was fun times. Any time you wouldn't let her do something from the get go without knowing how she did it she would pout and be childish and she would openly tell you what you were doing wrong. Even though she really didn't know how to do it right. Anyway she was in general a pain in the ass. And now she has my old job and will have a fun time with Special K. Those two will just hate one another. If Special K thought I was opinionated I at least had the skills to back it up. And this girl will just hate how Kathy runs things and will let her know. If she is still how she was with students then the kids will hate her too and the program will suffer. I feel especially bad for my Orchestra kids.
Oh Karma how you do like to come back and bite people in the ass.
1 month ago
1 comment:
Special K is going to learn the hard way...hehe
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