and my spirits a bit too. So since leaving the temp job I have traveled to Iowa to see friends and that was much needed. It was just nice to get away from my life for awhile. But I have to say my life could be much worse. I have been writing again and actually very productive writing. I finished off a trio I had been working on and started and completed a second one. I got a great start on a choral piece and finished the second song to a song cycle I have been wanting to do for 5 years now. Started on the third of the cycle as well. Also finished a string quartet and made tremendous head way on a large orchestral piece. That is the one I have been most excited about. It is also the one that caused me the most panic. I got through most of the material I had sketched out and had on my computer but I didn't have the rest of the sketches on there and couldn't find them in my bedroom. So I went to the storage unit and looked around and couldn't find them. I found a stack of papers I thought might have them so I grabbed them and went home hoping. To my dismay they were nowhere to be found. This is where I worried that I had become so frustrated that I threw it all out or even worse lost it in a move. So today I gave it one last trip to the storage unit and opened every box until (cue angel chorus) I found it. Granted I probably won't use half of it. It still make me happy to have that option again.
So now I am sitting in the central library writing away. Taking a break to do this and then back to being productive with something, if not finding a job.
1 month ago