Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Things I am Thankful for

In no particular order just how they came to me.
I am thankful for...
1. My mom
2. Podcasts
3. Friends
4. That I live an hour from any of my brothers.:)
5. Steve Drinks
6. My health
7. My musical ability
8. My friends
9. Nieces and Nephews
10. Holidays
11. The fact I get to do something with music everyday.
12. Great conversations
13. Always open to learning new things
14. Not hiding in a closest.
15. Shoes
16. Books
17. Netflix
18. Beer
19. New friends
20. Old friends
21. Laughter
22. My students
23. My sanity... really I am sane.
24. Popcorn
25. Butler Basketball.
26. The fact that my state hasn't passed a marriage amendment... yet
27. Movies
28. My apartment
29. Utne Reader
30. NPR
31. Simpsons
32. Online porn... oh don't look shocked.
33. My laptop.
34. Ipods
35. Very Vanilla Soy milk
36. My Applied music class
37. My composition students
38. blogs
39. Dogs
40. Comic books
41. Pizza
42. John Adam's Short Ride In A Fast Machine
Ok so now I can't get it to stop with italics and I now have it stuck on bold as well. Damn it.

Ok well I guess I am done.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.

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