There are some days when checking the mail is a religious experience. I mean a good religious experience like midnight mass, or a silent reflective prayer time. Not when the priest is listing the reasons I am going to hell. It can be a time to reflect on who I love and what I really enjoy about my life. For example I received an invitation to a Christmas party in the mail the other day and that was just wonderful to be thought of and wanted around to celebrate such a warm and special time of year. I think regardless of your beliefs Christmas is one of the best times of the year. The idea of "Goodwill to all and peace on Earth." How can you not feel good about that. I am so over the giving and the getting. I would much rather spend time with people I truly love and even a few I kind of like.:o)
Today in my school mailbox I received payment for 2 days worth of subbing which was nice and business cards. That was nice it gave me a sense of being part of the place now. And also it made me again realize why I love what I do. Though even this morning I was grumbling to myself how much I really hated this job. The business cards gave me a nice boost in my job morale.
The other thing I received was a note from the schools mothers club. At first I was feeling rather self conscience. they had written a lovely note saying that they had prayed for me. I am not an overly religious man but I do sometime find comfort and solace in an almost religious reflection. The knee jerk reaction was why the hell would they pray for me do they think I need to be prayed for what have I done. Then I thought well it was nice that they thought of me and chose to include me in some part of their beliefs. I know skitso. Even though I am sure they sent those to all the teachers I have to say it was a nice thing. At least they didn't say we prayed for your heathen gay soul. Which might have just made me laugh and throw it away.
1 month ago
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