I have been home sick the past few days. Really since voting on Tuesday. I believe in the notion of voting and whatnot but Wednesday I was ready to move to Toronto at least then I could have gone to a Dr.:o)
It's not so much the "Morality" issue or the "War on Terror", but the economy is really in the crapper and not looking to get better anytime soon. Just this morning and really after Kerry's speech. The media has really started bring up the realities of the administrations policies and how they will effect the future. They say if we privatise Social Security even just for a few million people that it will cost the government trillions of dollars. To make the Tax cuts permanent will also cost trillions of more dollars. They were also talking about businesses still doing weak and the slow growth that we have had that caused the increase from the Fed will slow down the economy even more and the bond market is looking bad as well.
The question I have is where were all these points before the election. People were so busy reporting the campaign and the results from the debates and how that did or did not help either candidates that we stopped hearing about the real news. I think in the entirety of the campaign I heard one report on what would the country be like with Kerry's policies and what the country be like with continuing Bush policies. Most annalists said that Kerry might be able to cut the deficit in 5 years but more like 10 and Bush would at least take twice as long. So much for the Fiscal conservatism.
As my friend Sarah said that a lot of times politicians will pull a bait and switch on their campaign promises, and I believe now is no difference. One of the problems and a lot of republicans have already told Bush is that if he has to appoint a new Judge to the Supreme court that he should pick a pretty moderate or centrist judge. With that there would be no over turning of Row Vs. Wade and Gay Marriage will depend on who can argue better. And if he appoints Sandra Day O'Conner to Chief Justice then you will have a pretty moderate and centrist court. So really these moral issues that the president was elected on my come to bite him in the ass. Back to O'Conner I must say I really like her. Though I do not always agree with her I have been surprised to find many times I do. Mostly because I find her fair and going a lot of how well argued a case is.
Well back at a computer I have been bitching to myself a lot so it's good to get it out.
Hoping for the best but not holding my breathe.
1 month ago
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