I just have to say, I am sad for the kids on the football team for loosing a very close game last night, but I am glad that come next Saturday I can take my time heading home from Iowa and not have to worry about getting back in time for yet another game. I am sure we will have a moment of Silence for their loss tomorrow, but I have to say I am glad not to have to do anymore this year.
So yesterday... yea what can I say??? My friends and I went down for the old oaken bucket game yesterday. We didn't go so much for the game but for the tailgating. It was fun and I had a good time but I really enjoyed the moments when I was having real conversations and not drinking myself into oblivion then when I was drinking myself into oblivion. I really didn't drink that much, I had driven and needed to be sober for the drive home. Because if the drive down was any indicator then I needed my wits about me.
Well the drive down wasn't so bad until we got into the grassy field where we were to park. Oh sweet jesus. I knew it was going to be bad. It was so crowded I am surprised I didn't run anyone over. I had my windows down in hopes that people would hear me say "get the fuck out of my way morons" I really didn't say that exactly but I was trying to get people to move. The first obsticle was a football in the middle of the road. There was no way around only over I kept saying someone needed to move it or I would run it over. So I started to run it over when I heard "Whoa, whoa, whoa there is a football in the way." Well no shit idiot I hadn't noticed.
I am all for frivolity and whatnot but get the fuck out of my way. There was a group of neaderthals playing cornhole and and I yelled "Game off!" You know, the traditional way of indicating that a car is coming through you might want to move the game. They did, sorta but apparently not far enough cause I ran over it. Opps, my bad. I didn't stop my justification was, they should have moved it farther away. We finally found the people we were with and the drinking commenced.
Not a lot of eye candy but when desperate I can always find something to look at in a pinch. I had some really great conversations with people I didn't know that well before. Romeo was floating around handing out jello shots to every Tom with a hairy dick. Which was fine but Alain was getting pissy about it. (Interesting group dynamic we all are.) Romeo ended up picking up this married couple and swapped phone numbers. I am not sure what that was all about but ok. The night was wearing on and I had made the call that if we wanted to avoid the traffic we needed to go now. Since I was the holder of the keys this time I made the rules.
I have never driven this group anywhere before. Because I have never had a car I felt comfortable taking anywhere. I have endured roadtrips with these guys before, their music selections are fine and I have never really complained or asked them to change anything for me, but yesterday I was ready to smack Blanche. Every other song on my Ipod he would yell from the backseat "Shuffle!". I did let slip at one point that had put up with his shitty country he could deal with my music. Whatever.
The really bad moment came on the drive home. Alain was up front sleeping, being pissy, or texting someone he knows he shouldn't be starting something up with, but that is a whole other story. And Blanche and Romeo were in the backseat arguing, are you ready for this, a drag show. Not a competition, but a show they were both doing for charity. It went a little something like this.
Romeo: What two numbers are you doing for the show?
Blanche: Why do you want to know?
R: Because I don't want to duplicate what you are doing.
B: Well it doesn't matter mine will be fabulous.
R: I understand but I would like to make sure I don't do what you do.
B: Well all that matters is that I beat you.
Me thinking *Oh god*
Alain: zzzzzzzz
R: Why you got to be like that?
B: Because I need to be better than you at this.
R: You do know this is not a contest?
B: I still need to be better.
R: It's for charity.
*20 minutes later*
B: I still need to be better.
R: It's for charity.
Me. *Ok, if I crash the car I have to make sure I die, because that is really the only way out of this conversation.*
Alain:*Tex, text, text... send*
B: I still need to be better.
R: It's for charity.
I drop off Romeo, Drop off Blanche and Alain. Go Home rethink going back out to the bars with them. Too tired to deal. Text to say I am in for the night.
That was my day.
1 month ago
1 comment:
YAY!! Now the blanks have been filled in! Glad you're on blogspot! I felt like I was missing something by not reading you on MySpace.
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