Friday night was a interesting night. The musical, which is just stellar (Sarcasm if you were not sure), was fine the first night the kids had a great audience this night was not as good. Though they had bad material the kids did a great job and should be happy and pleased with their performance. When I say the musical is bad I am never referring to the way the kids did in it. I am referring to the plot and or music. In this case both were bad. Anyway, I enjoy playing in pits I just don't have much in the way of black clothes. This is a requirement of most pits because you don't want to call attention to anything other the what is on the stage. I am really surprised that I don't own more black. My sardonic nature really lends itself to that color scheme.
After the musical I made my way to the side of downtown to see a coworkers exhibit. She is an art teacher and an incredible artist. I really love her work and she is a blast. The place where the exhibit was is a large complex with lots of studios and galleries. On the first Friday of every month the cities studios and galleries open for a big showing. It's very cool, I try to get out to it but most of the time I fail. I know next to nothing about art, outside of obvious names and styles that relate to musical styles I am pretty dense. Visual art like poetry most of the time goes over my head. But as I learned a long time ago, don't think too much about it, just enjoy it. If you like a piece of art or poetry like it don't worry if you "get it" or not. What I do hate about the art community is that they are in their own little world. I feel out of place there I am not rail thin, smoking, with a poorly maintained beard with a hoodie, and plaid pants. I say this knowing that most of them are not like this and with anything those who exert any kind of pretension about what they do are just insecure and probably know as much as you do. I wondered around for about 40 minutes saw a lot of good stuff, a lot of bad stuff but never found my friend. She is one of the few people at my work that I wouldn't mind socializing outside of work. Alas it was not meant to be.
As I was leaving I decided to stop at home and change from my all black and meet up with the other mean girls. I was trading text with romeo and he told me to come over to a party they were at because there was free booze. Who can say no to that. I grab a pair of jeans and head that way. I had notice a hole maybe the size of a dime by the back pocket of these jeans but they were still in good shape and I was wearing underwear so I was fine. The party they were at was really a party for those voting for Hillary in the primary and there were to be some serious E list celebrities there. The "Hot" guy that was on some reality show on Bravo about being a supermodel or some such was there and I didn't find him altogether that attractive. First of all his thighs didn't touch. I wanted to ask him if he needed a sandwich or something. There is healthy thin and then there is Kate Moss thin and that boy was in need of some help. Maybe it's because I have such a gag reflex to herd mentality, but I just don't ooh and aah like everyone else. Yes he was on TV, that doesn't make his something special. He may very well be a great person but just because he was on some reality show I am not going to want to bend over for him. Celebrity and popularity has always made me roll my eyes. Writers, choreographers, directors, cinematographers, set designers, costumers, and composers I have always found more interesting then those who read, dance, wear, or sing their work. That is why I have more respect for bands and artist that write their own stuff then those who just regurgitate someone elses.
Anyway lets just say this was a very pretentious group of Indianapolis gays. All very nice in their own right but I am just over them. I will volunteer next to them and probably have great conversations with them individually but as a group I find them to be very high school. It's all about who you know, how much money you have, what you are wearing, who you are dating and who you are fucking on the side. Again nice people, it's not the people I have a problem with it's the group dynamic of it all. Most of them are not like this one on one but when gathered like this they are and I just don't get it.
All of this was not my biggest problem that night my problem was with the fact that somewhere from when I left my house and getting back home dime sized hole in my pants opened up from the top of my pocket to the inseam. I was mortified and if any of my friends had noticed it and didn't say any thing about it I want them dead. So that is just how my week has been going. But hey the musical is over. Only one more full week of school left and then the ridiculousness of finals start.
1 month ago
You know that had I noticed it, I would have said something, mister sister. It's how I roll. :-)
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