Interesting weekend, nothing really fits together well but all in all it was a good time had by me.
Friday night was the final concert of the year. I have to say it was good. There were a few shaky parts and some parts that amazed me. What did me proud though was the incredible job the String Orchestra did. I actually gushed on stage, well as close as I will ever come to gushing, about how great they have been this year and the great strides they have made in their playing. I was so excited for them I hope they felt they did a great job. Can we do better yes but for now I am ecstatic. I must say I had several parents, not just orchestra parents but band parents complement them on their playing I had some email me to say they were impressed. The one person who didn't, one guess, maybe someone chomping on some sour grapes because she couldn't get them that way in 9 years. Yea that would be Special K. Whatever I am over it. If she says anything I would be surprised. So that was Friday.
Saturday, I got up and went to my mothers and took down all of her Christmas decorations. Yes you read that right I think she was holding out for a Christmas in July. Either way I was the good son and packed it all up till 6 months from now when I will once again be up there to get it out and set it all up for her. That is actually my favorite thing to do. I get my obsessive need to decorate for Christmas from my mother. I remember growing up and asking if I could have a small tree in my room to decorate and she said why stop there and we strung up light and I swear every square inch of that house had a bubble light, Santa or baby Jesus plastered on it. If it didn't light up on it's own we would surround it with lights. The Griswald house in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation was my house inside out. If it's tacky and sings Here Comes Santa Claus we owned it. So you can understand that packing it up was a monumental task in and of itself. After that was done we went next door to my brothers to celebrate my youngest nieces second birthday. I was good times and those girls are just adorable.
Somewhere along that day I got roped into working Metro Idol with Mom (not my mother but our friend we call mom.) Which was fine, it wasn't as bad as I have been lead to believe and I actually had a good time.
So far I have had a concert, packing Christmas decorations, a nieces birthday, and working at a gay bar for a karaoke contest. Welcome to my life, but wait it gets better.
On Sunday Romeo and I decide to go to a Chinese buffet. This one wasn't as good as I have had before but it was fine. After that we went to see Iron Man. I must say Damn that was a good movie. Don't worry FN we will definitely go again it will be worth it. Aside from the movie and buffet the highlight of the whole weekend had to be this conversation Romeo and I had on our way to the buffet.
Me: Blah blah blah
Romeo: Wait did you just see that?
Me: What?
Romeo: I think it was a purple dildo in the road.
Me: Turn around we need to confirm that sighting.
Romeo: Yes yes it is and it's double headed.
Me: I have to text people this shit.
Text to FN, Blanche, and Mom (not my mother my friend): Girl, just saw a purple dildo in the road. Happy Mothers Day!
Reply from Blanche: Where?
I gave directions and then informed him it was double headed.
Reply from Blanche: Hmmm?
Reply from FN: Maybe that is why Blanche didn't come out last night it done fell out.
On our way back home it was gone. We can only assume that the directions where good enough.
The question became why was there a purple double headed dildo in the road? And why was it in your car? And in what situation would you throw that out the window?
Deep thoughts by Jack Handy.
You know the upshot to this story is that I will get tons of hits just for using the words double headed purple dildo. Woo Hoo.
1 month ago
And why did I not get a text about this?
And why did I not get a text about this?
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