What a strange day for our hero. We last saw him speeding away screaming and flipping the bird to some children, who I am sure deserved much worse. Anyway, it was a snowy day and all BGD really wanted was a cheese burger and a coke. It had been a long time since BGD had consumed fast food... shut up, ok it was last week. Back to the story, BGD rounds the corner of the local fast food establishment to find a sea foam green Accord parked roughly 25 ft from the drive thru. The truck "in front" of him was at the speaker. From this scene one may think that the truck just pulled up and the gentleman in the car behind had yet to notice. He was in one of those ambiguous spots where you ask yourself, do you go around or wait. One doesn't want to presume too much in these situations. So BGD waited, and waited... and waited... and honked. The drive who by the way was looking at the back of the truck this entire time decided to pull up. A foot. BGD patiently inches forward to give the drive the ok to move more than the foot he had taken and that in fact there were roughly 20 more he could cover. The driver took no notice. The truck moves on to the payment window. BGD doesn't move, except his hand to the horn where BGD proceeds to give another gentle reminder.
The driver or as we will call him from now on Arch Nemesis, moves up but not really far enough to make it to the speaker. The reason being is that the truck was still 20 feet ahead. One could only assume that was the reason. AN sat two feet from the speaker and 20 from the truck ahead. That was until the truck moved up and then AN felt it was fine to proceed to the speaker. BGD felt that things may now start moving along a bit faster. Foolish hero, AN's window went down, and then back up, and then back down this time for a considerable amount of time, and then back up....
And then the cars started moving. Until it hit the curb and then he backed up giving no heed to the people behind him, which considering the safe distance he gave the truck BGD found odd and proceeded to do some backing up of his own. All things began to move forward again. BGD rolls down the window. "What do you want?" crackled the speaker box. Ummm a better attitude for one thing. BGD found this odd because even the most surly of BK employees at least put on a light facade of giving a shit about their jobs. BGD gives his order and proceeds to the payment window. That was until he was met by, yep you guessed it Arch Nemesis with his window up and no one in front of him at the next window. BGD did not need to do anything because Surly Girl at the payment window knocked on AN's and waved her hand to usher him on to the next destination. BGD was grateful for the unlikely ally.
BGD pays and would like to pull forward but alas AN had his window down and accepting his rations. His window goes up and ... (Wait for it)
BGD honks
Surly Girls side kick Bitchy motioned AN on. He of course only pulled up 3 feet not quite enough room for BGD to pull up get his food and leave. BGD did what any other hero would do. He honked the horn and flipped AN off. AN pulled up 15 feet and stopped. BGD grabs his food and speeds away. AN could very well still be in that parking lot staring at his food.
And the moral of the story is: Move your ass you fuctard.
1 month ago
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