Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oh how I hate to fly.

Forgot how much I actually hate flying. Especially when I am looking at the puddle jumper I am about to board for my flight to Chicago. It is actually better going by myself than with a bunch of kids and their parents. Don’t get me wrong I love the kids and I stand their parents I just don’t need to be spending 7 hours and 19 minutes with them. I am hoping that I can take my Tylenol PM and just zonk out for the trip. If that works then I will be doing the same on the way back. I am usually fine but about 5 hours in I am super uncomfortable if I am awake. The longest flight I have been on was about 5 hours this will test me if I don’t sleep. And that could happen. If I think about it too much I will make it happen so this is the last I will talk of it.

I am actually looking forward to this. I was always wanted to go to Ireland. I also would love to go to many other places but this is a start. Xena, S and I a week or so ago talked of the possibility of going to Barcelona. Oh god how much fun would that be. Spain also being on my lists of places I would love to see, so this will be great. I did ask a very important question though, “Do any of us speak Spanish?” S looked up from her knitting and said “Is this your way of weaseling out of going?”

“No, I think it is a legitimate question, I mean I know enough to ask where the bathrooms are but that is the extent of my 3 years of High School Spanish. Not a requirement just would be nice to have someone who can navigate for us.” We never established if anyone in the proposed party actually did but I think though between all of our high school knowledge we can make it to the hospital and bathrooms ok and beyond that what more do we need.

For the most part the objects of destination have always been English speaking countries. One of the students Thursday before we left asked if they spoke English in Ireland. I would like to think that he was joking but I am not entirely sure that would be true. We said yes, and then followed it up with a far better question “Do they like us over there?” In these days that was a very valid question. The answer was yes just do not mention Bush or that your parents voted for him.

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