Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yes I do know what I am doing.

I come across this every year and in a month or two the satisfaction of being right will come but in the mean time I have to live with "I don't understand why I have to do this?" or "This is a waste of time." or "Why can't I just write like Beethoven." The answer to the last is because Beethoven understood what I am asking you to do. And it's not a waste of time. The old saying is true you can't run before you can sit up. And you students are just learning to roll over. But they will get there, I understand frustrations they are having. I just look forward to the day when the student says "Thanks for making me do that it is so helpful."

It will happen, it always does.


nickabouttown said...


You could tell them to go out there and catch the syph and go go deaf, and THEN they might write like Beethoven.

Just a thought...

Maestro said...

hhhmmmm yes I COULD do that but I may get fired and though I do complain I do like my job and my paycheck. But good thought keep em coming.

my word verification is lenosuba very close to lenoscuba or lenotuba