While driving down the highway today I saw the bold statement of American pride and what that pride represents. A middle aged white male probably 55-60 riding a motorcycle, with a helmet plastered with American flags designed to look like flames licking the side of this mans head. Also flying proudly off the back is a small American flag flapping in the breeze. To top it all off a jesus fish just above the Honda logo. I think that not so much all the decals and whatnot on this mans vehicle it was more his behavior on the road. Yes he was safety conscience by wearing a helmet but really that concern for safety didn't go past him. He was swerving in and out of traffic cutting people off without a care in the world. Much like America we can say we are concerned for safety and protection but that really doesn't extend beyond our own borders. And the profession of faith on the back so everyone in our wake can see we love jesus and follow his teachings. Well as long as we can still get rich and I can still get my Grande Caramel Machiato every morning. Moral issues that the American public voted on this most recent election did nothing to make peoples lives better only to make some feel less uncomfortable. Where are the moral activist that say no more sick uninsured children, no more starving families that have to live in shelters. Where are the moral activists that cry out for equal opportunities for ALL children to get the best education in the world. Why not educate our children about about the dangers in the world and about respecting and protecting themselves so we don't have to have the conversation about abortions. Instead of saying just don't do it because condoms don't work so these children say well if they are not going to work why use them at all.
But instead we are a rude driver just waiting to cause an accident, but at least our head would be protected.
1 month ago
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