Oh how I needed this break. In the spirit of a break from normal routines I am setting goals/agendas for this week.
1.) I am only allowing myself 2 hrs of TV a day and I can't save it up. I use it during the day or it's gone, I can read, listen to music, what have you but no TV. I have a habit on days off to just sit in front of the TV and never move.
2.) I must go to the gym this week. I have fallen off the bandwagon and with it I have started eating badly. Which brings me to...
3.) Eat better this week. No eating out unless it is with friends or a date...hahah like that one is going to happen anyway.
4.) I can only spend 6 (waking) hrs in the house, unless of course it's raining or god forbid snow. This way I enjoy the 60 + degree weather we are suppose to have this week.
5.) Get a start on my patio garden and plant life for my porch. I have money from subbing that would be ideal for getting everything I need for that and plus it gets me out of my house.
6.) Don't talk about, think about or worry about School or Special K this entire week it will all be there next Monday don't even think about it.
7.) Do one new thing this week. This one will be tough but I am open for suggestions.
I know by tomorrow after having ordered a pizza and settling in for a movie marathon on my couch with all the windows closed and plants dieing at my window, I will laugh at this list and come up with a better plan.
1 month ago
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