Saturday, April 7, 2007

Should I stay or should I go

So faced with whether I am an idiot on many fronts. Am I just a general idiot and I know the answer to that on many days... yes. But as to specific problems I am unsure. Foolish, probably; unrealistically optimistic, yeah and an idiot, who knows.

So faced with two choices. Work; it has been a thorn in my side for quite some time. I have been planning on leaving for the past 10 months however new developments. I have been asked to build an orchestra program. Which excites me, I would love to stay at this job. So many pros in it's corner, great students, great administration, great faculty, I enjoy teaching, lots of vacation time. The cons early mornings, weekends, and the biggest one of all Special K. The last one sucks my will to live. My soul dies a little each time I think about having to spend another waking moment with her. It's such a problem that it almost negates all the pros. Am I being an idiot for staying. Do I really think building a program separate from her will keep me happy and out of the range of her bullshit. I don't know, I would like to think that it would. We will see I have yet to get my contract for next year and we will see what it has on it. If they fuck me over again, screw them I won't be back anyway. I would rather go work for Starbucks.

As for the other reason I am an idiot. So I like a guy and I thought he liked me, god this is so junior high. I actually broke out of my shell and talked to him in a public setting two nights in a row, which I never do. The few times I have done this in the past it has always blown up in my face. I fear this will be no exception. It's been about 3 weeks since that and I have not seen him out. I emailed him once during this 3 weeks and have yet to hear back. Should I just give up and not worry about it or pursue it. I don't want to be a nuisance. And this brings me to my problem do I let my fear of being a bothersome pest get in my way of talking to people. I just really don't want to be "that guy". You know the one who can't take a hint. I myself have encountered far too many of those. Just recently I have been hit on by a 22 year old, a 46 year old and a 54 year old. Nothing against people of those ages I just really don't want to date any one that far from my demographic. What I hate is when I make that clear and they still are trying to convince me that I should or they are different. I am like dude leave me alone. I just don't want to be that guy. So in being not that guy I become single? There has to be a better way. I am just unsure of it. Alas I ask the question am I just an idiot.

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