So the question is, what is considered a good sales pitch? I walked through the mall yesterday because it was cold outside and I needed to get lunch because I walked out the door yesterday morning without my lunch. I should have just gone with out. I had thought of doing that except I really hadn't eaten anything that day and really needed to. I was excited because years ago when I worked downtown I would always say we needed a Panera in the downtown area. And what did they just open? Yes, a Panera I was so excited. Of course one meal or more accurately one sandwich from them is more calories then I need in a day but it is so good. Anyway I knew that I could stay indoors most of the way there and back which always makes me happy. I get down there and get my food and start heading back. So far so good.
Alas I was stopped.
Now I never buy anything from those kiosks in the middle of the mall. I always think of it like buying something at a county fair. At 8 years old you totally think you need it until the next day when you find that it broke a little to easily. Now I know the products from the mall kiosks are probably better quality then the wares of a carny but really these businesses last about as long as a street fair and they pack up just as quickly at the end of the night. With that said I doubt I would be swayed to buy something from one even if their approach was better. I was walking along with my bag of bready goodness when one of the mall carnies stops me. Actually he saw me coming and stepped into my path and spoke. "Can I ask you a question?"
"I am in a hurry sorry don't have time."
"Can I ask what you use to shave, cause I have something that can help you with that." This was said with a scowl that suggested that I, the elephant man, had done terrible things to my face. It was the "with that" part of it that was said with the most disdain.
At this point I decide to make eye contact. "I really don't have time, and I have a mother to make me feel bad." And then bolted. I mean really even if it where true and it probably was that is no way to make a sale. What did he think I would do? Stop and say "God yes I am hideous, please please please make me look better with your $40 miracle cream." I can't imagine that would make anyone want to buy whatever he was selling. And here is the funny part of the story, he really needed a shave.
1 month ago
Sorry about your luck, but you made me laugh. Let me know what you need me to do with this band business.
Thank you for making me laugh out loud.
My word verification is miacitho, which sounds like a new antibiotic cream for God only knows what disease.
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