I was bored the other day and I figured up that with this blog I have written enough for a short novel. That is kind of sad that if my energies were placed somewhere else look at the amount of work I could have accomplished. Not that I feel I have the talent or creativity to actually write a novel, but still that is a little crazy when you think about it. On the other hand this has probably kept me out of trouble. Which is probably a good thing.
So the weekend was what it was. I saw Avatar again, the nerds hadn't seen it so I went with them. After that I went to Zonies to meet up with friends who had gone to a Bingo fundraiser that was put on by K.I.S.S.. Not the band but the group called (I think I have this right) the Kinky Indiana Submissive's and Slaves. I feel I need to place a pause in here somewhere. I am not sure what this group is about but I am pretty sure I could figure it out. It is probably what I think it is. To that I say, to each their own. That saying has never been truer to me then now. I myself would never what someone to Dominate me nor would I ever want to be with someone who is completely submissive to me. Because as I understand it this behavior sometimes is carried beyond the bedroom and into everyday life. I just can't see it. I don't like being bossed around and as much as I like bossing people around myself I would have no respect for a partner that would a. want that and b. put up with it. Call me old fashioned but I want my spouse to be an equal partner. I guess that wouldn't be old fashioned at all. Old fashioned would have me married to a wife that has given herself over to me completely. And well, I don't want a wife. So yea I don't know what that is all about but I am kind of sad I missed that. but not really.
On Sunday I forewent the watching of the Colts game and went to my friends the lesbians. Now that isn't their name it is just what they are. I hadn't seen them in a long time and they have a little girl and when you don't seen your friends for 5 months not a big deal but when you haven't seen an 18 month old for that amount of time that is a significant part of their life. She is running around talking and playing. It was cool to see her even though I make her cry and not want to sleep. Ok that sounded bad for me. Let me clarify, I didn't make her cry. She just knew that there was another person talking to her moms and she wasn't in the spotlight anymore and therefore cried. She smiled and even laughed when I was there. She just didn't want to sleep. :)
So that was the weekend I am not back at the temp job and still kind of bored. It's a lot of hurry up and wait.
Good times.
1 month ago
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