I was watching TV and saw an ad for Weight Watchers. I have known several people who have been on it and it has worked really well. Actually I have never known anyone who went on it who didn't have success. Well in this ad they were touting an app for your phone to track points. I thought "hmmm, I wonder if my phone has this?" So I did a quick search and there it was. Actually three handy apps. One has a list of foods and what they are worth. Another is a calculator to figure out the points of a food and the last one is a tracker. I just plug in some info and it tells me how many points I get. I can also figure how many activity points I get from working out. I have to say for just using it a couple of days, it pretty helpful. I get 36 points for the day without exercising. Which is good for when I am eating at home and making my own food. I actually find it difficult to reach 36 points. But then for fun yesterday I was looking up some foods and found that one trip to Burger King would cost me 32 points....
Yea just let that sink in for a minute. I about died. Now I have to say over the last three weeks for some reason I haven't had fast food but like twice. Not because I was trying mind you it just happened. and I have lost like 7 lbs. Granted I have also been on my bike a lot but still I can see how my avoiding the drive thru has effected my waist line.
Knowing that fast food has that much of my daily pointage makes me reconsider all my eating choices. I have always justified it away as saying "Oh every so often won't kill me." But every so often meant like 3-4 times a week. Which really adds up. So yea wow. No wonder Americans are such fatasses. I mean I knew this but it's like I really know this, enough so to make me want to stop eating in those places.
Back to my point. If all of this information which is the basis of the weight watchers schtick is readily available, then why should I have to pay for it. Why should anyone. I was chatting with my roommate David about it and he said it's so the people can get together once a week and yell at you for being a fattie. I said awesome yet another reason not to pay for it.
So I will keep using it. It may work it may not but I will know in a few weeks if I have dropped more weight of course it could also be the biking too.
1 month ago
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