So yesterday and part of today between classes I have been clearing out my address book. There were a lot of addresses I hadn't sent anything to in a long time. I started feeling bad about the people on the other end of those addresses and how I 1. hadn't spoken with them in awhile or 2.I just stopped talking with them altogether, for whatever reason. I am sure there are reasons but some of them I don't remember who they are or why I would have had their addresses. I can guess that I had chatted with them on line once or twice and maybe had a brief email conversation with them here and there and then just drifted away.
I know myself I hate when people do that to me. So I decided to write them and say hi. At least make an attempt, that was good of me right? Or am I just being a dick? Probably a little of both. I figure if I don't hear from them in the next few days I will permanently delete them from my book.
Cleaning up my addresses was like doing that once a year cleaning out of ones closet or house. Were you throw out things you don't need or use any more. I just felt weird doing that to people. Some of them were quite nice and I had to have at least one good conversation out of them. I don't normally keep emails from people I find annoying. Though I guess I could have been in a mood.
On a separate note. I am finding myself more and more bitter about attractive yet dumber than a sack of hammers people being able to find the most intelligent and genuinely wonderful people to date. While I either date liars or no one. I am reasonably intelligent and somewhat attractive. Ok so I am not bitter toward those other people more power to them and good for them. I am sure they deserve all the happiness in the world. I know I should just get over it and get out there and find someone to date. But I must say I find it difficult. Enough of the self pity shit.
Well I must say I am amazed and a bit disturb by how much of my fathers political beliefs overlap with mine. Now my father still believes single mothers should be rounded up and put into homes far away from prying eyes and that homosexuals should be aloud into the military and put on the front lines so that they could be shot and be done with them. But a lot of economics are very similar and even social. I had an interesting conversation with him on the roll of religion and government. He says that it is wonderful to have your faith, whatever that may be, but that faith should never supersede what you are obligated to do as a representative of a constituency. Now I am paraphrasing but that was the gist of it, and I agree. I have more respect for a politician that will vote the way his district or state wishes him to vote. This idea of if you are a god fearing person you should vote only one way. To also have ministers and priest not say you should vote one way but to then say "Well you will go to Hell if you vote for a person who supports (insert socially unacceptable behavior, for the religious leader)". I find it hypocritical that a church whose clergy has been involved in sexual molestation or the cover up of such cases. I really don't think that church really has a leg to stand on in my book. They preach on one hand that abortion candidates are evil and with the other hand fondle the alter boys.
Ok well I have bitched enough today I need to get ready for resource. What a waste.
1 month ago
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