I roll my eyes and sigh heavily every time I think of my brother closest in age to me. We will just call him idiot. We just got all of my fathers farm equipment appraised to sell at an auction. Idiot comes over to my mothers and starts talking about getting all this equipment to use so he can play farmer. 1. He doesn't need to be doing any of this now he has like 1/2 an acre so it's not like he is in a time crunch. 2. As my mother so aptly pointed out I don't want you using this and potentially breaking it before we can sell it. He has his own stuff why he doesn't want to use it I don't know. No I do know why because he is a selfish little twit who probably thinks,"Why should I put wear and tear on my stuff when we are just going to sell the other anyway." There are days that I just don't claim to have 3 brothers.
The upshot is I am nothing like my brothers. I am far more liberal minded then all of them and I seem to be a lot more sensitive and self aware. I think my favorite moment was when my nephew said "Uncle Maestro you are the smart brother aren't you." How does one respond to that? Knee jerk reaction is a simple "Yes." But I refrained and said that we were all smart in our own ways. I think they think that because I understand what it is like to be younger and left out of adult conversations and doings. So I try harder then anyone else to include them and to not talk down to them but treat them like humans, understandably younger less developed humans but humans none the less. They understand more that people give them credit for. They know more and see more than sometimes we think. Not all of them are but there are some you have to watch out for, They perceive the world better than we would like to admit.
1 month ago
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