A few nights ago I was made clear of some perceptions about me. Not really about me but about me and the people I hang out with. Mostly just us as a group and not about us individually. We have just been kind of lumped in together. Not that I think these perceptions are baseless but it's coming from people who couldn't actually pick me out of a line up. It would be foolish of me to say I don't care what people think. It may not consume my every waking hour but from time to time I get slightly annoyed. Mostly those times pass.
Yes I am a snob but let's evaluate the areas I am a snob.
Music, I am a huge music snob but I am also very open minded and have listened and continue to listen many different kinds of music.
Beer, If you know me you know I like beer but beer of a certain kind. Mostly imports, there are domestics that I enjoy but your typical king of beers I find with little flavor and so carbonated that it's like a soda.
Buffets, Yes I have gone on my tirades about most buffets and that I like ethnic buffets because I find that the food I get on the buffet there is the same as the food I would get in delivery. And really in the grand scheme of things I haven't been to buffets that often.
As for areas that I am not a snob are vast. I don't care what people do for a living, who they date, what they drive, what they wear, where they live, what they look like. Sure we all make comments like "Gurl, did you she what she is wearing?" But you know I found a long time ago that humor is a great defense mechanism. It's a great way for me to avoid what I really feel what I really want/need to say. I have found that people find me funny so I run with it. Has it made me judgemental? Maybe, but really people who know the real me know that isn't really me.
As for other reasons people may think I am a snob is because I am socially shy and awkward. When in public I tend to not talk I like to people watch, it's easier then actually having to interact with people. I always assume if they are not talking to me that the reason is they are not interested in me. So I save them the awkward task of blowing me off. And in those few times someone does talk to me, I tend to verbally vomit and make an ass of myself.
So if you are reading this and don't know me know that my standoffish nature has nothing to do with you but my inadequacies. Now aren't you glad you never asked. How I ever got laid is beyond me, and more and more lately I am questioning whether it ever happened in the first place.
1 month ago