Ok so today marks the halfway point of my spring break oddessy. Let's just a quick break down of what we have.
Number of times to the Gym: 2 (planning to go today but not going to count that)
Loads of Laundry completed: 0 (But I have thought about it a lot, does that count?)
Number of hours in BGB Rehearsal: 11 (I thought this was spring break?)
Number of hours on Gay.com: 38 (In my defense I forgot to log off on Monday night and remained logged in till Tuesday morning so 15 of those hours really don't count.)
Number of games of darts: 15ish ( I say ish because really I have been drunk a lot this week.)
Number of drinks: 1,232,987 (I could be wrong on that count.)
Number of times I have said "Spring break, Woo!!!!!": 2,784,190 (Again I could be wrong on that count.)
Number of emails from Special K: 0 (Thank fucking god)
Dollars spent to get creepy stripper to go away: 1 (That was about $3 too much)
Number of years taken of my life from this week:10 (It is probably more but really who wants to live forever anyway?)
So yea I think that pretty much sums up my week so far. And dear god it's only the morning of Wednesday.
1 month ago
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