Excited about the bike still don't have clue as to what I want. May not get it today may just do some shopping around.
I really want this week to be over. Just thinking about all the time I will be spending in the pit just seems like a mountain that I couldn't possibly scale. I really wish there was a fast forward button on life.
The weather has turned very nice today. It just makes me want to not have class and go sit outside and have lunch.
Speaking of lunch I am really hungry. Weighed myself today and have somehow in the course of 2 days lost 4lbs. I know that can't be right but will enjoy that feeling, no matter how diluted it is, for the moment.
With the bike I am wanting to start riding to work. According to the trail maps I can get from my house to school with minimal interaction with street traffic. Obviously I am a bit nervous because I honestly haven't been on a bike that hasn't been bolted to the floor in 20 years. Maybe I will get one with a basket on the front and streamers on the handlebars, and oooooooo a bell, or an old fashioned bike horn. That would be dead sexy. I guess this also means I need to start buying spandex outfits. :)
1 month ago
I would pay hot money to see you even contemplate a spandex outfit. ;)
Dear God,
Please don't let Maestro buy anything in spandex. Friends don't let friends buy spandex.
If you really exist, you'll answer my prayer.
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