So a student at the school wrot eon a bathroom wall that they were going to blow up the school today. So the police and bomb squad were here all night and into the morning looking and patroling the area. They found nothing. I assumed as much but it is nice to know that you can take care of these things without causing a scene. Knowing that things would be fine and that most likely nothing was going to happen we were told to keep an eye out for unattended items and to report anything "strange". Seriously though I felt very safe in my building. 1. Know one knows whats over here to bomb it anyway and 2. if they did bomb it I would almost let them cause that would mean we could get new facilities.
But my favorite was the teacher in resource yelling out about every 5 minutes "Whose bag is this?" imidiately a student would come over and claim it and he would write a detention and chasties the student. I am thinking to myself, isn't that a bit much.It gets better when a student doesn't claim it. I am thinking the kid doesn't want to get yelled at and get a detention. But the teacher looks at me and says "What do we do?" I didn't know, he asked if he should open it. I said "give me a 5 minute head start."
"But what if there is a bomb in it?"
"That is why I wanted the head start."
"But it would blow me up."
I said "Take comfort you probably won't feel anything."
Turns out the kid was just outside in the courtyard. Of course the teacher hadn't thought of that until I asked if he had checked outside. Some people just over react. I looked at it this way if there was a bomb mere meters from me I probably wouldn't remember if I survived or never feel a thing.
1 month ago
1 comment:
Hey, it's no different over in my world. For Halloween a student thought it would be funny to come to school wearing a bulletproof vest and carry a large bag. Needless to say, he caused quite a stir.
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