Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bizarre dreams

I don't usually remember my dreams if I dream at all but I remembered these from last night. I won't go into details but lets just say the was a car chase and an ex so it was full evening of strange subconscious try to communicate with me. I have absolutely know idea what it meant.

So on another topic, I have really gotten into handing out detentions. I hadn't before but with this class I have found it almost necessary. I am not handing out a lot mind you I believe just 4 this entire year. Some teachers that is just one period. The three I gave to on Tuesday was more because I was tired of asking them to sit down and stop being disruptive. If they just would have gone I would not have been upset but come on. The funniest thing is that one of the students had been expelled earlier in the semester and somehow weaseled his way back into school. So when I handed him his detention he in all seriousness said he would be expelled if he got one more detention. I thought about it for a moment, I really wouldn't have lost sleep over it either way but I did tell him that this will be his only warning and that if I need to give him one again that I would not hesitate. All I wanted him to do was to just be good. And to my surprise he has been, knock on wood. So we will see it would suck to be 1 month from graduating and to be kick out of school. I really think the faculty would throw me a parade if I had given him one.

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