Sunday, April 8, 2007

Yet another fun holiday with the family

So I witnessed the stupidest man alive today. I am getting gas on my way up to my mom's today and this man starts pumping gas and then lights up a cigarette right at the pump. I yelled across asking him to put it out because that was dangerous. He yelled back for me to mind my own business. I was finishing up so I just got in my car and drove past and said "it's your funeral idiot". I mean really how stupid can you be.

Anyway the day went fine except my brother, the Idiot and his wife, rolling my eyes just at the thought. They came in, mind you they live 50 ft away and the first thing out of her mouth was "I thought we were eating at 1?" And then plopped themselves down on the couch and started reading a magazine. I on the other hand continued helping my mother get lunch ready. Fine sit and read I don't begrudge anyone that. I remember doing that almost every holiday in high school however I don't think I bitched about the timing of meals. I probably would have been fine without meals with family. But I was a brooding teenager that is to be expected. But from a woman in her late 20's and with 2 kids, come on.

When the meal was done I cleared the tabled and decided that I would be nice and do the dishes for my mom. This doesn't happen often so I ran with the impulse. Of course they just got up from the table and went back to the living room to ignore the rest of us. I know for a fact my mother interacted with the kids more than they did, but whatever. So I was in doing the dishes my mom came in and helped. She started in on my sister-in-law and my brother and the way they act. I said it just made me look like the better child. I know I don't go out of my way but it's hard to want to make that first step when you are met with such indifference if not hostility. On many occasions she has been openly rude to me. Especially when I was voicing a concern for my brother after the death of our father. I was told by her that I needn't worry and to mind my own business. Fine whatever.

I don't seem to have this problem with any of my other brothers or their wives just this one.

I never understood people who have deep friendships with their siblings. And knowing my siblings the way I do I don't want that relationship. I think I am fine with the distance we have. I have interest in their lives and I ask at appropriate times but I never feel the need to call them all the time to chit chat about my day. Ah well This is my life and it is what it is.

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