Monday, March 31, 2008
Riding grandma for fun.
So lets recap my day so far. I slept badly, I can't imagine why I only had several drinks last night. When I did finally decide to get out of bed and do something I came downstairs and started looking for ideas for next years marching band show. I know this to be a fruitless effort because whatever I pick Special K will hate and therefore pick whatever the hell she wants and it will be bad and she will regret it and swear she will never do that again. Uh Huh. I did that for a couple of hours till Romeo texted me to say he was kidnapping me for the day and to be ready at 11:30.
Sounded ominous but I showered and got ready to go. We ended up at a Thai place up on 86th and Ditch. It was pretty good, I had the Padd Thai with pork. We then went to Castleton to the mall and walked around for a bit until Romeo had to go to his store and do a little bit of work. It was cool we were there for no more than 10 minutes. It gave me a chance to browse through the phones to pick out the one I want Blanche to get me next. I really like the Blackberry Curve, The Duo and the Tilt. (Hint Hint gentle reader.)
Anyway we left there and Romeo told me what he wanted to get his cat as a toy. "I was thinking of getting her a hamster and put it into one of those little bags so the cat couldn't kill it, but they could run around the house and play. That sounds like a good idea, right?"
"Ummm actually I think that would be less like playing to the hamster and more like being scared for it's life, and probably die from a heart attack." I am pretty sure he was joking but dear lord could you imagine if someone did that. One it would be pretty funny, but on the other side I am pretty sure PETA would be up in arms.
After that Romeo decided we need cocktails and to play darts. I am officially terrible at darts but I love playing. It has nothing to do with winning. I could lose at darts forever but I still would like to play from time to time. I have come to grips with my inadequacies in the sports arena. I stick the card games and trivia games, I seem to do well there.
So we go to Olly's and that was fun had only one drink (very good of me) played a couple of rounds of darts I even won a game. And we left, Romeo dropped me off at home where I went to the gym.
Now this is where the grandma comes into the story. So while on the elliptical trainer I have a good view of the street. So from time to time I will see a cute guy jog by or come into the building, at which point I decide whether to stay or go find him in another part of the building, usually I stay. Anyway so as I was looking out onto the street I see a rather, how shall I put this, ample women in an electric wheelchairs, with a child on the back of it riding her around the block. I thought what an odd thing and a slightly inappropriate use of the chair and grandma. I was wondering if the kid just hijacked her in an attempt to flee the police. Now there is a new twist for the old cop chases. I was really hoping he didn't just jump on to hitch a ride and that she didn't notice. Or maybe she charges like it's a taxi service. Oh the possibilities of what could have been going on each one slightly more demented and strange then the last. I saw them go around the block several times while I was doing cardio. So when I left I got to see it close up because they passed me on the side walk and they must have stopped at the store because she now had a bag of chips in her lap. I wondered if the child jumped of while in the store or if he continued to ride her through the express line. Maybe he just parked her in a handicap spot and ran in himself.
Ah the possibilities.
So, yeah
Last night was again a great time at Olleys and $1.50 drink night, I didn't know how much I had drank until the bill came and I counted 8 drinks on there. Is that a lot? I don't know anymore. Well on the up side of things this has been the most fun on a spring break in a long time.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spring Break Bitches
So yes Spring break starting well.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Things I really mean.
I got my review today. Well I was reviewed several weeks ago I just got the actual evaluation today. Glowing as always. Mostly because the person evaluating me has no clue if I am doing things right or not. She likes to say she is a percussionist but she hasn't touched a drum in like 25 years. It's like me telling her I took art classes and art lessons so I know all about her teaching an art class. First she would laugh and rightly so, I spent many a year in art lessons and never doing a good job. My brothers were in Baseball, Track, Football, and Basketball. What did I do? Tennis, Band, Choir (not just any choir but show choir), Theatre, and Art. Seriously if they didn't know I was going to be gay then that is their fault. Oh wait I almost forgot the Tap lessons.
So yes Spring break is upon me and I have no plans and that is the way I like it. I don't like the reason for no plans, and that is because I am broke. If I had some money I would have made plans to be away from home more. But this will be fine too. I have BGB (Big Gay Band) this weekend. And the band fraternity is having their convention in town. I am not planning to actually go to the convention but plenty of people will be in town and I plan on hanging out with them*. It should be fun I haven't seen many of them in years. I am excited.
Happy Spring Break all.
*What I really mean is get really drunk all weekend, but I think you knew that.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
So proud
Now the Biggest reason I am so proud is that my String Orchestra had their Spring Concert last night. Granted it was a short concert and there were barely twice as many people in the Audience as there were in the ensemble, but They did amazing! Do they have some work to still do? Yes, but they have come so far in the last few months. I am very proud of how well they have been doing and progressing. I really can't say enough about it. I even called mom last night to tell her about it. Even though I had all but lost my voice. I know they still have a long way to go but I am down right giddy. The fact you could recognize the turn that they were playing was a big plus. Trust me at the last one when it was Christmas music and you couldn't follow along it was bad. I had a lot of parents come up and thank me and tell me how good they were. So yes I do like what I do and I do enjoy when the kids succeed. So kudos to them.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Spring Break fever
So last night I got home laid down and took a nap before heading to BGB rehearsal, and woke up sounding like this.

I was beginning to wonder when my smoking habit had gotten so bad. I sound completely awful, but I don't feel bad. If you do anything really other than teach or telemarketing you can get away with a day of no talking. I found out today whether the kids liked me or not. Because I had to ask almost all of my classes to please don't make me shout over the top of them because it hurt and exhausted me to do so. Not that I frequently yell at my classes but I have to get louder than their playing most of the time so I simply asked that when I say stop they do so. And much to my surprise and delight they did.
I am really glad that all I have to do tonight is introduce the group and conduct and then I can come home and rest my voice.
So yea my body has checked out and so has my mind so I am really asking the question of how I am actually making it to school every day. One of those mysteries of life that we may never have an answer for.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Back home again in Indiana
This is from The Rock of Cashel, which now is ruins of a cathedral. Before there was a Cathedral there was a Castle. Oddly enough a place that gives us drunken Irish Brawls and soccer Hooligans had what has been described as a peaceful transition to Christianity. I have to so I was surprised by that. When the Christians came in the Irish pretty much gave them one of the strategic castles for them to build a church. Who knew? Of course it had to be up hill. much everything in Ireland is either up hill or up many flights of stairs. None of these places I would ever call handicap accessible. It's really a good thing that we don't have these in the US we would have ruined them all by now with ramps and elevators in old castles. Anyway moving on.
Hey look a castle. This is Blarney Castle, home of the famous Blarney Stone. It is said that anyone kissing the stone would be gifted with eloquent speech. I don't know about that but the could have put the stone in a far more convenient place.You see the top of that. Yea that's where it is and you have to hang upside down over an open hole to kiss the damned thing. I would post a picture of me kissing the stone but I did it so quickly that only one person had time to click a photo and it wasn't on my camera. Again had to go up hill and what I would say about 5 flights of spiral stairs that were not made for anyone with feet size 5 or bigger. Also I am convinced that people in Ireland 6oo years ago were tiny people. I barely fit in most of these places.
Now we are off to the Cliffs of Moher, these are some of the tallest sea cliffs in the Atlantic. It is also hella windy up there. The wind gusts were 80-90 mph. The fun part was that the winds are coming from all directions. Stories being told of people getting to close to the edge and being blown off. So this is what I was trying to avoid in the pic below.
It was nice that they gave us diagram of what to avoid. I would have never guessed that I shouldn't get to close to an edge of a cliff when there are 90 mph winds, that could blow me off the edge.
This is one of the battlements of yet another Castle. This is Bhunratty Castle, we had a medieval banquet in the great hall that night. I left my camera at the hotel so I missed some good pictures. This of course was eating with no utensils. And what did they feed us? Ribs. Yes it was a bit of a mess. Overall it was fun and the kids had a lot of fun with it.
So those were some of the highlights from my trip. I would have rather been on a trip that would have required this afterwards
But I didn't only one night of drinking and even then I wasn't too bad off. Maybe someday I can have the Irish Pub crawl.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My drunkeness translates
Oh and blah, blah, blah the Rock of Cashel, important Irish landmark of great significances. Yada Yada Yada. I am going to bed. ":)
Gather round boys and girls for a little story.
So when I left for Ireland the travel company said all was taken care of and that they would have additional information for me later. The flight from Indy was fine and paid for, great. The flight out of Chicago was fine and paid for, great. Since I hadn't heard from them I assumed someone would be at the airport to pick me up and get me to the hotel in a city/country I have never been to before. As the old saying goes assuming just made an ass of me. I get there and thought I would wait around because surely Travel Guy who I know would be there to spot me and whisk me away in time to make it to the parade you know the one thing we were there for. I waited. I waited and I waited some more. At this point I have been trying to get my phone to work and alas it is failing miserably. I try the pay phone to call Travel Guy, no answer... hmmmm? Now I am worrying, it's nearly 9am and the buses where loading to head to the parade in like an hour and I have been in the country for 2 and all I have seen of it was the airport. So I run outside to check how much a cab to my hotel would cost 50 euros and if you can't do the math that is roughly $75 I say fuck that. Plus I only had 30 euros on me. So I go to the ATM and my card is not working. So I go to the foreign currency exchange and my card doesn't work there either. A big WTF. It's now 9:30 and I am looking at all the people holding signs just in case I am one of them, nope.
10 am swearing and talking to myself in the airport I go to the tourism desk and ask how much the bus would cost and if it would get me to the hotel. "Well the 748 WOULD take you right to the Hotel but because of the parade it will drop you off here." The nice man at the desk marks on the map. "And then you just walk 4 blocks to catch the 69 bus that will take you to your hotel."
"Great, how much is a bus pass?" "6 euros and it's good all day and all buses." Even better. I head out jump the bus chat with the also very friendly bus driver and we are off. I get downtown Dublin and the driver directs me to the bus shelter. The 69 bus will stop here in 5 minutes at 10:30. I wait no bus at 10:30. The next one is at 11:30. I wait, no bus. Next one is at 12:05. I wait, no bus. Though in that time Bus 66 stops 8 times, Bus 25 4 and Bus 67 6. I hope on the nest Buss 66 and ask the driver if 69 was ever going to stop. "No, that route was canceled to due to the parade."
Shit, Shit, Shit.
"Does this bus go to my hotel?"
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!
Ok the Parade is downtown and should be starting soon I can't be that far away and there are a ton of people heading in that direction so I follow dragging 40lbs of luggage behind me. 15 blocks later I hit the parade and luck would have it the were running late. I asked which way the parade was heading and I was off to out run it. My biggest fear at this point was that I wasn't going to be able to catch them and be stranded in Dublin and die here. I started off trying to stay right on the route but with the luggage I decided side streets would do better. Because the people count for this parade was 500,000 people I bumped into roughly 450,000 of them. I did on accident find Temple Bar. For those who don't know it's an area of the city that between the ages of 18-22 I would have lived there, wall to wall bars and drunken revelry also some very cool shops. For Indy folk imagine Broad Ripple down and alley and cooler. So anyway, seriously thought of popping in for a pint but didn't. Seriously thought of chucking my luggage, my arm hurt. After 7 hours after I land I finally find the charter buses and and waited for the band. 36 hours after I got up on Sunday I was finally in bed.
Lets recount, 9 hours on a plane, 8 hours in airports, an hour and a half at the bus stop and a 2 hour self guided walking tour of Dublin and that was my day, to say the least my dogs were barkin'. I really thought I was going to die there. Kudos to me for still not feeling all that great and trudging I would guess 5 miles through downtown Dublin. But now I know the place so if I ever go back I am golden.
Fucking travel company.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Oh how I really, really hate to fly.

was needed. Beside the fact that his legs were clearly in my space it was fine because once we took off I could just let my legs loose into the isle which is what I had planned regardless of my row companion. What really bugged me was the elbow in the ribs. No I know I am not the petite individual I was when I was 18 but still I am not so large that one small elderly man cannot contain himself to a seat. I from time to time would subtly drop my elbow onto his and he would sigh drop his book slightly look at my arm and go back to reading. I hate invasion of personal space so I make the effort to make myself as small as humanly possible. However when you are 6'1" 224 (thank you new flu diet) it is difficult to will yourself into a smaller package. The only saving grace to all of this was that the flight was a mere hour. So I got over it.
The take off was fine, the landing was fine, but I really forgot the sudden swing in temp in the cabin and how stale the air can be. But again 1 hour. The up shot to this was one row ahead was a hottie frat boy and the flight attendant that fawned over him was also very attractive. So I guess there are somethings that can make it worth it.
Now I am waiting for the check in counter to open so I can check in and wait another 3.5 hours to board for a 7 hour flight. I should just stop thinking about the time I have to spend in a small tube filled with people going over a large (cold) body of water. hmmm. Maybe I shouldn't have watched Lost last night.
Oh how I hate to fly.
Forgot how much I actually hate flying. Especially when I am looking at the puddle jumper I am about to board for my flight to Chicago. It is actually better going by myself than with a bunch of kids and their parents. Don’t get me wrong I love the kids and I stand their parents I just don’t need to be spending 7 hours and 19 minutes with them. I am hoping that I can take my Tylenol PM and just zonk out for the trip. If that works then I will be doing the same on the way back. I am usually fine but about 5 hours in I am super uncomfortable if I am awake. The longest flight I have been on was about 5 hours this will test me if I don’t sleep. And that could happen. If I think about it too much I will make it happen so this is the last I will talk of it.
I am actually looking forward to this. I was always wanted to go to Ireland. I also would love to go to many other places but this is a start. Xena, S and I a week or so ago talked of the possibility of going to Barcelona. Oh god how much fun would that be. Spain also being on my lists of places I would love to see, so this will be great. I did ask a very important question though, “Do any of us speak Spanish?” S looked up from her knitting and said “Is this your way of weaseling out of going?”
“No, I think it is a legitimate question, I mean I know enough to ask where the bathrooms are but that is the extent of my 3 years of High School Spanish. Not a requirement just would be nice to have someone who can navigate for us.” We never established if anyone in the proposed party actually did but I think though between all of our high school knowledge we can make it to the hospital and bathrooms ok and beyond that what more do we need.
For the most part the objects of destination have always been English speaking countries. One of the students Thursday before we left asked if they spoke English in Ireland. I would like to think that he was joking but I am not entirely sure that would be true. We said yes, and then followed it up with a far better question “Do they like us over there?” In these days that was a very valid question. The answer was yes just do not mention Bush or that your parents voted for him.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I know what you are thinking
So I call special K and she says she is talking to our travel guy. He then calls me and says he can get my on a later flight on Sunday. Hoorah! It will only cost me up front $350, I think I feel more toast coming up. Alright it will just make this trip and the week after very tight, I may just wrap up a win in the Biggest Looser this way. So now I just need to get up to Chicago, no problem I am checking out mega bus and subway connections. *Ring* Travel Guy again telling me they can get me a flight out of Indy on Sunday. Even better. It's another $120, ok so this free trip is getting a bit more pricey. This wouldn't be a problem If I had planned for it. Well how bad would it be to vomit in a plane bathroom I could do this. Those plane blankets are pretty thick right I could get 2 or 3 hundred of them and feel warm. I am sure the other passengers won't mind me. Right,... right?
Wow totally passed out in the middle of that. Woke up to Travel Guy calling to tell me that my flight to Chicago is taken care of and the airfare change is now only $206. My stomach just felt better just wish my head did. So here is hoping a day of sleeping will make me feel better. Even if I am puking I think I am going to go. I am seriously not going to miss a chance to leave this country.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Up the Hill Down the Hill
Because this is ideal and also the only road into campus someone had to be at the bottom of the hill to divert traffic or hold it. And guess who that was? Yep it was me. It was fun. I actually didn't mind it people were a lot more pleasant about it than I thought. Of course Special K didn't stick to the plan which meant much of what I was telling people to do was false. Way to stick with a plan. Not surprised more just stating facts at this point. The funniest thing was the sheer number of students driving in 5,10, 15, 30 minutes late to school. I understand adults and teachers who don't have first period because the fuck if I would show up if I didn't have to. Also the number of Band students who drove up rolled down their windows and immediately started giving me excuses.
What really struck me was that Special K was, I think, afraid to go down and do this. Not because you could get struck by a car, and I almost did, but because she would have to tell people something they don't want to hear. I love it when you see that look on their face that they are inconvenienced, priceless. I also loved the woman that saw me clearly stopping cars and talking to each driver and then she started to whip around me and the other car like I wasn't there (yea she was the car that almost struck me) and when I started yelling for her to stop and I caught up with her she had a pissed off look on her face. And yes that was a parent, whatever I am here to make sure jackasses like yourself miss don't kill the band geeks. Yes I enjoyed it but Special K just is afraid of people even when she is right. Which I believe is why she is such an ineffective teacher, but I could be wrong.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tales of the Belligerent Gay Driver.
We now join him as he drives home.
So I went to my mothers tonight to 1. finally get my hair cut and 2. take my mom out for dinner. For those who don't know I have only had three people in my life cut my hair. Once in Florida because the drive home to have my mother do it would have been like 20 hours, one way. The second time was I needed to get it cut for a wedding and I didn't have time to go home. Before you go thinking that is weird my mother is a beautician so it isn't really that weird. I keep my hair short and about every 3 weeks I get it cut but it has been like 3 months since my last cut, so I was very shaggy.
The hair was cut the dinner had and so I start on my drive home. Most of the way was fine, until I was merging onto 69, the interstate not the position. When the guy in front of me starts to break and slow down to 42 miles an hour. Ok, the speed limit is still 55 but I think he will speed up when we it the interstate, no in fact he slows down because a whole line of semi's are coming up on the left so of course I try to be patient and gently move up closer so he gets the hint that the speed limit is now 65. Nope no hint taken and now I have all the cars behind me zooming around to form a parade on my left. At this point I am irritated to say the least. So fly around him when I get the chance honk and put a finger out the window. I am pretty sure he missed it because it was dark and well he's a fuctard. (No spellcheck word for that either)
So now I am at a comfortable cruising speed and now off the interstate and on Binford and some bitch flies up my ass, and sits there. doesn't get around just sitting with her high beams up my trunk like she paid for the lobster herself. So of course I do the only thing I can do. Slowly pass cars and then speed up till the next car and slow back down. When she finally maneuvers around I tailgate her. Yes I am aware this is how I am going to die.
This has been another installment of Belligerent Gay Driver.
I need like a theme song or a montage of me wide mouthed and giving the one finger salute.

Monday, March 10, 2008
Arguments with my brain
This was an argument I had this morning. After a long night of trying to go to bed early I failed miserably and finally zonked out at 4ish AM. Reminder that my alarm goes off at 5:45 AM. Now I am all for Daylight savings when it comes to having more light in the evenings but I would trade it all for a little more day light in the morning. Just last we I was enjoying seeing a hint of sunrise on my drive to work and saddened by the complete darkness that I beheld today. As I write this the sun is just coming up. I am so not a morning person to begin with but this just exacerbates the problem. (sidebar I can't believed I spelled exacerbates correctly on the first try.) So when my alarm went of *hit snooze* and went off *hit snooze* and went off *hit snooze*. This is where my mind jumped in. "You know 9 more minutes isn't going to make that much off a difference really"
"It might you don't know" my body replied "and besides it's really comfy and if you let me I swear I won't kill anymore of your cells with Jack Daniels."
"Now that sounds tempting but remember I am smarter than you and know that's just a flat out lie. Even if you could give up Jack there are so many more liquors you consume and would just pick up the slack some where else."
"Fine, be a bitch."
So I drug myself out of bed. Comforted by the knowledge that know one else would be on time anyway so if I am a few minutes late who the hell cares. Also I can just let Special K run Band first period and I cam sleep under the desk for 45 minutes. Whats this a text message I didn't read last night? I wonder who this could be? Special K "I won't be in 1st period have a slight fever can you cover?"
(yea spell check has nothing for that word)
Reply "Yea that's fine feel better."
See I can be nice. Of course I was texting with one hand and flipping off the phone with the other.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
One of the few things
"Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play"- Oasis "Don't Look Back In Anger"
It has been years since I have really listened to popular music. My new heroine is Pandora.Com. I love it I put it on at work I listen at home. And I have been rediscovering all the music I once loved and listened to all the time. Example, Oasis, I loved this band and "(What's the Story) Morning Glory" is one of those albums I always forget when I think of favorite albums ever. I forget how much the lyrics and melodies work so well together. It is safe to say I have an eclectic taste in music. So I have been thinking about what my favorite albums would be. It was tough I like a lot of albums and each one means something different to me. But the five I have come up with are five that I can always sing along; however for different reasons. Some make me happy, some make me sad, some make me angry and I like that each elicits different emotions from me.
So here they are.
1. U2 Joshua Tree Best overall album from beginning to end.
2. Carol King Her Greatest Hits Very close second and on some days it is my top pick.
3. Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory Though many times I have no clue what they are saying but I love it.
4. Alanis Morisette Jagged Little Pill When you just want to be pissed off there is nothing better.
5. Dixie Chicks Home I know it's country and I usually don't hold to country but, Come on they are hands down some of the best Musicians out there today. Home is the album that caught my attentions and really there are some just achingly beautiful music on there.
As I was writing these out others came to mind so I will round out to 10.
6. Dar Williams Mortal City Dar is such a great songwriter and this is probably the best album of hers.
7. REM Automatic For the People How I love this album I think I spent a year listening to nothing else.
8. Michael Jackson Thriller Yes he is creepy and pretty fucked up but seriously a great album you can't argue that.
9. No Doubt Tragic Kingdom I was really sad I couldn't get into Gwen's solo career. The music was really better with No Doubt. Though I must say Gwen is one of the most talented singers in this generation.
10. Toad The Wet Sprocket Dulcinea This album is the sound track to a summer in college for me. This and the Cranberries Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? really was all I listened to that summer every time I hear songs from this CD I think of the Marsh Deli... with just a little bit of nostalgia.
So there is a little more about me that you may not have known before. And damn I am still thinking of Albums.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Is it a bad sign when...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sweet release of death
So yes I feel awful today. So much so I didn't finish my omelet at Hoaglins today. I always finish a good omelet and this was a good one. And the Rosemary potatoes so very good but right now I kind of wished I hadn't.
Well here is hoping I feel better tomorrow.