My students have a habit of not believing me when I say things. Fine example is when I gave an assignment 3 weeks ago for a paper. I am sure they didn't believe me. I meant it and when 4 of the eight turned theirs in I said to the others. "I hope that before 3:30 today I have papers in my email inbox. We will see. I am actually not going to check that email for a while but I love that those things are time stamped. I told them they could turn it in late but that every day it's late I drop the possible points by 10 so if they turn it in at 3:35 today they best they could hope for is a B. I have been telling them all week I would take the papers early but no one took me up on it. Ah well.
I got my review today. Well I was reviewed several weeks ago I just got the actual evaluation today. Glowing as always. Mostly because the person evaluating me has no clue if I am doing things right or not. She likes to say she is a percussionist but she hasn't touched a drum in like 25 years. It's like me telling her I took art classes and art lessons so I know all about her teaching an art class. First she would laugh and rightly so, I spent many a year in art lessons and never doing a good job. My brothers were in Baseball, Track, Football, and Basketball. What did I do? Tennis, Band, Choir (not just any choir but show choir), Theatre, and Art. Seriously if they didn't know I was going to be gay then that is their fault. Oh wait I almost forgot the Tap lessons.
So yes Spring break is upon me and I have no plans and that is the way I like it. I don't like the reason for no plans, and that is because I am broke. If I had some money I would have made plans to be away from home more. But this will be fine too. I have BGB (Big Gay Band) this weekend. And the band fraternity is having their convention in town. I am not planning to actually go to the convention but plenty of people will be in town and I plan on hanging out with them*. It should be fun I haven't seen many of them in years. I am excited.
Happy Spring Break all.
*What I really mean is get really drunk all weekend, but I think you knew that.
1 month ago
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