You read it right.
So lets recap my day so far. I slept badly, I can't imagine why I only had several drinks last night. When I did finally decide to get out of bed and do something I came downstairs and started looking for ideas for next years marching band show. I know this to be a fruitless effort because whatever I pick Special K will hate and therefore pick whatever the hell she wants and it will be bad and she will regret it and swear she will never do that again. Uh Huh. I did that for a couple of hours till Romeo texted me to say he was kidnapping me for the day and to be ready at 11:30.
Sounded ominous but I showered and got ready to go. We ended up at a Thai place up on 86th and Ditch. It was pretty good, I had the Padd Thai with pork. We then went to Castleton to the mall and walked around for a bit until Romeo had to go to his store and do a little bit of work. It was cool we were there for no more than 10 minutes. It gave me a chance to browse through the phones to pick out the one I want Blanche to get me next. I really like the Blackberry Curve, The Duo and the Tilt. (Hint Hint gentle reader.)
Anyway we left there and Romeo told me what he wanted to get his cat as a toy. "I was thinking of getting her a hamster and put it into one of those little bags so the cat couldn't kill it, but they could run around the house and play. That sounds like a good idea, right?"
"Ummm actually I think that would be less like playing to the hamster and more like being scared for it's life, and probably die from a heart attack." I am pretty sure he was joking but dear lord could you imagine if someone did that. One it would be pretty funny, but on the other side I am pretty sure PETA would be up in arms.
After that Romeo decided we need cocktails and to play darts. I am officially terrible at darts but I love playing. It has nothing to do with winning. I could lose at darts forever but I still would like to play from time to time. I have come to grips with my inadequacies in the sports arena. I stick the card games and trivia games, I seem to do well there.
So we go to Olly's and that was fun had only one drink (very good of me) played a couple of rounds of darts I even won a game. And we left, Romeo dropped me off at home where I went to the gym.
Now this is where the grandma comes into the story. So while on the elliptical trainer I have a good view of the street. So from time to time I will see a cute guy jog by or come into the building, at which point I decide whether to stay or go find him in another part of the building, usually I stay. Anyway so as I was looking out onto the street I see a rather, how shall I put this, ample women in an electric wheelchairs, with a child on the back of it riding her around the block. I thought what an odd thing and a slightly inappropriate use of the chair and grandma. I was wondering if the kid just hijacked her in an attempt to flee the police. Now there is a new twist for the old cop chases. I was really hoping he didn't just jump on to hitch a ride and that she didn't notice. Or maybe she charges like it's a taxi service. Oh the possibilities of what could have been going on each one slightly more demented and strange then the last. I saw them go around the block several times while I was doing cardio. So when I left I got to see it close up because they passed me on the side walk and they must have stopped at the store because she now had a bag of chips in her lap. I wondered if the child jumped of while in the store or if he continued to ride her through the express line. Maybe he just parked her in a handicap spot and ran in himself.
Ah the possibilities.
1 month ago
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