So I kicked spring break off really well last night. I got home from work and made myself go to the gym. (Kudos to me) Then was off to see a murder mystery at a restaurant here in town. It wasn't the best I had ever seen, not that I have a lot of experience with mystery dinner theatre. But I must say it was fun. I think it was fun because I took a flask of Jack Daniels with me. hhhmmmm maybe that was it? Anyway, the Jack and coke I ordered wasn't strong enough, and by wasn't strong enough I mean I could still taste the Coke. So I just drank some of it down and then topped it off with more of my Jack. Mmmmm now that is the breakfast of champions. Yea I finished the flask and was pretty drunk at this point and then we went to Olly's where FN proceeds to buy me another Jack and Coke and had the bartender make it so strong I could have peeled wallpaper with it. Mmmmmmm wallpaper. I finished that revealed a few embarrassing tidbits about myself and then was taken to Gregs where I drank more. Until I got bored, amazingly that didn't take long. I honestly don't know what time it was when I got home I just know my alarm went off way to early.
So yes Spring break starting well.
1 month ago
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