Yes I should be on a bus with a bunch of teenagers. "So why are you posting?" Well I will tell you a little thing like waking up at 4am in a cold sweat freezing. Yes I was running a killer fever. Of course I am not grown up enough to actually have a thermometer so I can't give an exact degree. I get up to get an Advil and feel a wash of dizziness and nausea. I make my way quickly to the bathroom and go head first to the toilet. I am thinking to myself as I turn inside out, this can't be happening. Oh but yes it can. I go down stairs and take some Advil and water and that 15 minutes later made a repeat performance. So I laid under a pile of blankets shivering until a reasonable hour to call Special K and ask what to do. At that time my best options was ignore it an hope it goes away or wait and maybe I would feel better by noon when the bus was to pull out or wait even longer and drive up to Chicago and catch the flight. Here's hoping. Yea that seemed unlikely when at 10:30 I got up and made toast to eat and the body didn't like that either.
So I call special K and she says she is talking to our travel guy. He then calls me and says he can get my on a later flight on Sunday. Hoorah! It will only cost me up front $350, I think I feel more toast coming up. Alright it will just make this trip and the week after very tight, I may just wrap up a win in the Biggest Looser this way. So now I just need to get up to Chicago, no problem I am checking out mega bus and subway connections. *Ring* Travel Guy again telling me they can get me a flight out of Indy on Sunday. Even better. It's another $120, ok so this free trip is getting a bit more pricey. This wouldn't be a problem If I had planned for it. Well how bad would it be to vomit in a plane bathroom I could do this. Those plane blankets are pretty thick right I could get 2 or 3 hundred of them and feel warm. I am sure the other passengers won't mind me. Right,... right?
Wow totally passed out in the middle of that. Woke up to Travel Guy calling to tell me that my flight to Chicago is taken care of and the airfare change is now only $206. My stomach just felt better just wish my head did. So here is hoping a day of sleeping will make me feel better. Even if I am puking I think I am going to go. I am seriously not going to miss a chance to leave this country.
1 month ago
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