Here is a recap of my weekend.
Friday Work and then a football game. The football game was annoying and I will tell you why. First we have no field to play on so we must travel somewhere in the city to play our games. This is fun let me tell you. So with that in mind as I was leaving the campus a parent comes running up to tell me that no one was driving the last shuttle of kids as they just sat in the van. As I was pulling my car back into it's parking space another parent jumped into the drivers seat. Great because I hate driving kids anywhere. So I am following the last shuttle and it stops on Emerson and the parent gets out of the car and walks back to my car and tells me that a student is back at the school. So I turn around and go back for the student. I pick her up and we head back down town to the game. I am just seconds from the field when Special K calls to tell me a kid left his instrument at the school. Not just a student but a Senior and one who thought he should have been section leader, uh huh. I pull up let the child out and Special K tells me not only did one student leave their instrument but 2 others as well. So I turn back around and drive back to the school for the instruments. I get them and get back to the game roughly 1 hour and 15 minutes after I started. Yes giving new meaning to driving all over hells half acre.
Saturday starts with a phone call from Romeo seeing if I wanted to do breakfast with him and Blanche. I say sure and head to the shower but before I get there my phone rings and it's a parent who needs into the shed. I ask if they had tried Special K they said yes but she wasn't answering. Great! I head to school and let them in and then I go home shower, change and head to breakfast. Good breakfast and a much needed break from kids since I had to leave breakfast and go back to school where I load buses and go to southern Indiana for a marching band competition. We lost but that is fine. At least that meant we didn't have another weekend of this crap. So we get home around midnight and the last kids is picked up about 1am and then I can go home.
Sunday I get up and lay in bed contemplating getting up. An hour later I get up and move to the couch. 3 hours later I get up and take a shower. At this point I need to get ready and go back to school for an Orchestra concert. That all goes fine and I am pleased with the way they played. Was it great? No, but it was head and shoulders above where there were last year for the first concert. I had many people not sure what the songs were that they played. I couldn't have told you and I had the score in front of me. This year however it sounded great (for them) and you could recognize and even hum along to the tunes. So bravo to my Strings. :)
After that I ran home to change because I didn't feel like staying in a suit for the rest of the night. I then head to a drag show. My friend Blanche aka Summer Clearance did a great number where she was dressed as Sarah Palin and performed to Harper Valley PTA. I must say the "illusion" of the Governor was spot on. I was very impressed with how he pulled it off. Now the main reason I was there was to support Halle Pino (Romeo) who was competing that night for the crown of Bag Lady Queen. She did a great job and I hope she wins. She has done a lot for the Bag Ladies which is a fundraising organization that is a group of men in dresses. I do not call them Drag Queens because for many of them the female illusion is lost when there is a full beard and chest hair especially when your evening gown has a plunging neck line. I do give a shout out to all the Bag Ladies who competed this year but I still hope my girl Halle wins. She did a fierce performance to a dance remix of Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Of course she did it in a cat outfit complete with ears and tail. Also for the talent potion you would be amazed what she can do to/with a piccolo. And yes I boiled it before I put it back in it's case.
So that was my surreal weekend. And I wasn't drunk for any of it. Though I wanted to be.
1 month ago
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