Oh holy jesus. Laundry is such an under taking for me. I live on the 3rd floor, if you count the basement I am on the 4th. The laundry is in the basement. I am on the far east side of the building. The only stairs to the basement are on the far west side. Only two apartments are farther than mine from the laundry facilities. So when I do laundry it is a commitment. I also hate going down to check because if it's not done then I have walked up and down all those stairs for nothing. Which is what I did last night. 8 times. I wasn't counting or anything. and there are 55 steps from the bottom to the top and 107 steps from the top of the stairs to my front door. Again who is counting really. It really isn't that far or that bad but when it's the last thing you want to do in your day it's like asking me to scale K2 to add fabric softener.
I made the mistake last Sunday of wanting to reorganize. I say mistake because this is what ends up happening. Me: "Why can't I find anything, it's a small apartment I should be able to find stuff." So I pull everything out of drawers and shelves to sort and put back in a more logical order. Well the first half worked out well. Everything is now in the middle of my living room and bedroom and kitchen and bathroom. I am easily distracted. This is a common phase when "reorganizing" "Ooooooooooo, I forgot I had *insert random piece of crap here*. I must look at it, read or otherwise waste time. " I do this quite often. The contents of my life get pulled to the center of the room for me to look over and then leave for weeks on end until I have company. At which point I frantically shove everything back into whatever available spot so it's out of the way. I think I have a set of dried markers I have been trying to get rid of for 5 years because of this process.
Now because I have haphazardly thrown all my belongs back into whatever area would hold, I look around and lather, rinse, repeat. This cycle needs to end. Also I swear I got rid of a crap load of stuff when I moved. The question is where does it all keep coming from. Why store anything I am never going to use again. Since moving this last time I have been to the goodwill drop off like 7,000 times. (Hyperbole is the Best thing ever!!!) Yet I still find more things to get rid of. Why do I spend so much time doing this. Why can I not just get rid of it and stop bringing more things into the house. I don't know but when some one figures it out I would greatly appreciate it.
1 month ago
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