So I for some reason last night watched two episodes of Nanny 911. Yea, I don't know either. Anyway I was noticing some parallels in what was going on in the show and what goes on at work. Special K is the worrying mother that doesn't want to discipline the children and do everything for them but gets upset when the children won't do for themselves or behave. And I am the Father who goes around yelling at the kids and cleaning up after them and then gets angry at the mother for inconsistent behavior. I gotta say it was way creepy to see it being played out on TV. I mean really it is exactly what I see every day. Example I just received a call from Special K. Saying the truck that she rents for the band that needs to go back today is still full of stuff. I have been telling her all week to get it done. But she calls me and wants me to send my class, My Class over to unload it in the rain. My lesson plan be damned. I love how she asks if I have a class right now. I should have said no because I don't answer the phone during class unlike someone I might mention. Seriously what the f*ck is her problem. I told her no because I am giving a quiz on Monday and today they have to review. Sorry about her, I have my stuff planned and I need to stick to my schedule. She is so disorganized, she has had since last Saturday when we got back from regionals to get that done. I said that night we should have unloaded it. She said it would be fine to wait for Monday, of what week!?!?!?!?!?!?
Anyway back to my original thought do you think that the Nanny's would want to come and work with a band?
1 month ago
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