I am easily distracted and this is a fact that many people are aware. None more keenly then my students. I know this and work very hard to avoid. They know that if they don't want to go over homework that they can get me on a topic that has nothing to do with class and I could go for days. Some days I go with it because I too do not what to talk about what is at hand. Sometimes the conversations are relateable to the class I am teaching but many times it is not.
Today was one of those days. I sit down for music theory and start a discussion about talk radio. It saddens me when speaking on this subject. Why? Well it gets me to thinking of the stupidity of the social collective in this country and how easily we buy into things. It's also disheartening to think that we are also so inflexible to accept an alternate view point. I am just as guilty as anyone else and I know this. However many people are not. For me Talk radio is guilty of more than one treason against it's listeners. Let me preface all this with one thing, when I speak of talk radio I don't just mean right leaning I also lump lefties in there too.
First they very rarely hold rational debates. A rational debates allows all sides to be heard whether they are right or wrong whether we agree with the speaker or not. We can challenge a point and by challenge I don't mean petty name calling and "I know you are but what am I" is not what I would call an intellectual debating style. When you can not have a good question to follow their point or fact to prop up you side of things you just shut the hell up and concede the point. Just because you "feel" a certain way does not me that it is right. I "feel" Capri's are stupid and of the devil, that doesn't mean they are.
Second, when you have a producer that only allows calls through of people who agree with you or are so stupid and crazy they couldn't argue there way out of a paper bag that is not being honest with your public. This is my "pick on someone your own size" argument. It's not fair for me to challenge a student who has been playing the sax for one year to a contest of playing abilities. I don't think it is fair that many of these host never actually have a fair fight. How do I know? Because I do listen to these guys, I like to know what bile and stupidity is being shot into the airwaves. I cringe most of the time and I want to yell at the callers because many times they can't string two thoughts together and that is the opposition? Sad days.
Third, why are these people allowed to say what they put forth as news. You are opinion, just because at the top of the hour you read a story from the AP or the weather report that you are all news all the time. This is false and purposely misleading. This is where the collective stupidity of the public comes into play. People believe this to be true. We allow these people to lead us down a path of opinion and call it news. If it were news it wouldn't be one person yelling for two hours they can't possibly do enough research to fill two hours everyday by themselves. It's just not possible. So again if this were a court of law their arguments would be through out because it is pure speculation and rumor. This is also my problem with "news reporters" these days who don't get more than a source or even fact check.
The fourth thing that just pisses me of is that we allow it to happen. We let these people get away with it. I am not news here I am an opinion. This is all about my observations. This is why I have a blog that no one should read or take seriously and not a column in the Washington Post. I don't propose that I am. But some people in large forums say they are, imply they are and let people believe they are. I would be appalled if someone thought what I was writing was something well researched and thought out. People there is no thought here just a crazed teacher that didn't get enough sleep last night and his students aren't doing their homework so he is going on crazy tangents and tirades.
In conclusion Capri's are dumb they aren't shorts they aren't pants they are just lame.
Thank you
1 month ago
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