I have 1 hour and 36 minutes a day that there are no children present so I can grade, attendance, copy, plan, respond to work email, pick up the room, clear to do items from my desk, or blog. I like these 96 minutes at least 48 of them are Special K free. Which means most of my work gets done then. What I don't get done I do after school or at home. I don't like that. Right now I am in the middle of the time I would have with just me in the office, and Special K is here. And talking out load to no one. Except to bug me, which is always fun. She also likes to ask me questions that I have to stop what I am doing to look up the email that has the info that she wanted. The real funny part is that she has the same email. Why I needed to drop what I am doing to look that up for her is beyond me. This is usually when I leave the room to do other things. But then she will yell from the office for me to get something out of her desk. Then I just leave the building altogether. I find this annoying and counter productive to my work schedule. And I am so frustrated I needed to vent ie. writing out this blog posting which also eats in to my productivity.
Moral of this story everything is Special K's fault. World Hunger: Special K Fighting in the Middle East: Special K Childhood Obesity: Special K The Fact my next door neighbor is really loud in the morning: Special K.
This has been another segment of how Special K is sucking my will to live.
1 month ago
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