The commute to work is a relatively short one, unless of course I get stuck behind a school bus. Which actually happens more often than not. The other thing that can slow me up is when a cop car is driving in one of the lanes and goes under the speed limit. I want to shake people and let them know that it is indeed ok and legal to pass a cop when they are going under the speed limit and when we have a whole other lane to choose from. I drive a small car so many times I can't see around the minivan, SUV or whatever urban assault vehicle is on the market this year, so I don't know when there is a real reason or the lame one I am usually presented. To these people I say, just go home you don't know how to drive and chip in for better public transportation.
As I said normally this isn't a real problem it's just on those rare mornings it makes me shake my head and a little later to work.
This next one isn't a complaint more of just an observation. The Conseco parking garage may be one of the worst designed parking structures I have ever been in. The fact that for games they have to hire people to direct traffic in and out is not a good sign. I am not talking one or two people like four for every turn in the building. I shake my head because really I am only parking there for another 3 weeks and then I don't have to deal with it. Also I am not paying for it, so I find it more amusing than annoying. If I were paying for it and it was a long term thing then yea I would probably go all belligerent gay driver on it.
The other thing about Conseco is that once you get into the field house itself to get to the lower level there is one escalator and a standard width set of stairs. I didn't mean a set of escalators I mean an escalator that only travels in one direction. That direction changes depending on the time of day. The stairs next to it are not that wide either so I can only imagine what it would be like during a game or other large event. Normally in the morning when I need to go down the escalator is moving in that direction. However this is not always true when I need to go back up the escalator. All of that really doesn't matter because I will always walk the stairs. I don't have a gym pass any more and it's too cold and snowing to go biking so this is really the only exercises I get these days. The funny thing is I never really think about how ridiculous it is for me to forgo the escalator for the stairs. That is until today as I was coming down some people were coming up. I say some and I mean 4. They gave me the dirtiest look because they had to move over because stupid me didn't take the lazy mans way out. I know that is what they meant because when they saw me they looked at the escalator beside them and then back to me with the sourest look they could muster. To that I say, whatever. I need this little bit of work, I am not getting it anywhere else.
Now on this next point I am going to complain because, really. In Conseco is a Starbucks and many people will part on the street outside of it in the morning, run in and get their over priced cup of joe. That isn't my problem, I don't begrudge anyone their morning pick me up. What does bother me is when those people park in clearly illegal parking spots. Example this morning I saw a car parked in an intersection. Imagine a T intersection and the car was parked under the traffic light. Granted the car was probably in no danger of being hit, but come on. Really? There were no other spots available? And just because you put your flashers on doesn't make it any less stupid, rude or illegal.
And finally on the lighter side of things I noticed as I trekked into work today was the pair of sun tanning goggles in the middle of a snow covered sidewalk.
I am going to leave that as my moment of zen this morning.
1 month ago
1 comment:
I used to tan on occasion in the winter, just to see (fake) sun. Not that I ever got tan, mind you, as me tan is somewhere around taupe but fake sun. mmmmmmm.
Word verification: sustaskn. What a drunk says after you told him you wouldn't give him a dollar.
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