TV is just such a bad thing, for me most of the time it is just background noise. I sometimes wish I watched more, I mean really watched not just let happen. However after flipping through the channels while being sick I got that reminder why I own one TV and normally do not keep it in my bedroom. When I first moved in with The Nerds, J kept trying to get me to take one of their TV's. I said thanks but this one was fine. I like my 19" flat screen. J thought I was crazy he said it made him sad that I had such a small TV. Understand they have 5 TV's in their house and the smallest is bigger than any TV I have ever owned. This is not a judgement on their television habits. It has just never been a priority for me. I even lived several months without a TV. Granted in every life a little TV must reign.
So back to my adventures in mindless sensory overload. I had to actually say something to the TV when I was flipping through and caught a fashion critique from the Grammy's. What did it for me was some E channel bimbo in a dress too small asking the question "What is this Jersey Shore girl doing at the Grammy's anyway, what has she done but be on a reality show?" Umm I am sorry some ho-bag Kardashian I have know Idea what your first name is, who are you to talk? I mean really what is your claim to fame? I had this same problem when I saw a show entitled "Kendra" I was like who the hell is she and why should I be watching her. My friend pointed out that she had been on "Girls Next Door". ???????? It is apparently a show about playboy models who live with Heff at the Playboy Mansion. Okay I am sure for a straight man or horny teenage boy this is the target group but I am neither of those things so really I say "????????" So yet, another ho-bag I don't care about on my TV. The other day I found out that I can blame Douchy McDoucherson, Ryan Seacrest for both of these brilliant additions to television programing. At least I see the point of him, he does serve a purpose, not a good one but a purpose non the less, much like a door stop or a paper weight. He is a spokesperson for a lame ass show that seems pretty popular and he is a DJ. I don't like him or the show he is on but Hey at least that is work. These people and their reality shows are not doing anything but tanning themselves and shopping. Why do I care? Oh and they complain and bitch about each other all the time. I do that. That's not television that is just life we all do that, we don't need to sit through commercials for that.
These are the role models and examples we are putting out there for our children. I am not saying that every generation didn't have their share of vapid, insipid and asinine people but really it wasn't ever this easy for so many girls to grow up thinking they are nothing if they aren't overly tanned, have the most expensive things and marry a man that will give them a house so big they will never in their life see parts of it. And for boys to grow up thinking they have to have the perfect body, don't need to work and girls will like you for being hot and brainless. Oh and everybody can sing and has talent and should be on television and their lives are worthless if they don't. Look nobody wants to work and everyone wants to be the popular kid and be noticed and liked. But we don't all have to be on TV. It is really demeaning to those who actually have talent and have worked hard for their craft to have some no neck from Jersey take a time slot. Or some whore cry because she lost the label on her hair product (thanks The Soup for that one I would have never seen that without you.) and watch quality shows like "Pushing Daisey's" or "Doll House" get canned. That is all I have to say about that.
And another thing Big Ten Network please stop showing collegiate wrestling I need to get things done today.
1 month ago
1 comment:
I've watched the Teen Mom Recap Show and am now engrossed in the Celebrity Rehab marathon on VH1. I must admit that my IQ is going down by the hour, but I'm fascinated that these people exist. Period. Exist. I mean, if Darwin were right (and I believe he is, BTW), natural selection should have taken these fools out about three generations ago.
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