This has been a very interesting weekend.I had a grand family Christmas weekend. My mothers side of the family was having their annual get together. Friday night some of the family met for dinner. Saturday was for the larger family and we do it now in the boy scout cabin which is just big enough for us. You have to understand that I come from an enormous family. My mother is the 2nd of 8 children. If all of us showed up I think there would be 80-90 people of various ages. I really couldn't tell you all of their names I have really lost track. I know my cousins and a few of their kids names but really after that I haven't a clue. I do have one cousin who herself has 7 children. Her brother who rode to the Saturday shin-dig with me and said that the vagina isn't a clown car. He is so right, I don't understand the need for that many children. Use a condom for the love of god.

My cousin I rode up with is also gay and we have a good time hanging out. I am sure the fact I was going was the only reason he went. I really don't have much in common with that side of the family. I really don't see how any of us have anything other than genetics in common, we are all so very different. Gay cousin and I had an interesting conversation about our lesbian aunt and how no one thinks she is a lesbian but she has never dated a man and always has female roommates that come to family functions. Hmmm denial!! She is by far my favorite aunt and the odd thing is she has a new girlfriend but her girlfriend from like 20 years ago still comes to the christmas parties. I like this woman always have and I still refer to her as an aunt but no one has ever really acknowledge that she was my aunts girlfriend. So very strange. Also very strange that she still comes to family functions.
In two weeks I have the other side of the Family Christmas. It's smaller only 60 people for that one. But I do have another gay cousin, who dated the first guy I ever dated, ewwww, and a lesbian cousin. No wonder I am gay. It's in the water.
Too right. The vagina is *not* a clown car. I broke out laughing when I saw that. I'm so glad you're on blogger!
I actually sent that to people here at the shelter when we got the 34 year old woman with 10 kids in last year.
It may not be a clown car, but you could probably park a Mini-Wini in it!
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