Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Oh, I got plenty o' nuthin'

So we have established I am not good at meeting people in person. Let's now move on to why I am terrible at meeting people online. Now there are two completely different reasons as to why I am bad at both. One fills me with the terror akin to being told I was to have open heart surgery without anesthetic. The other fills me with the dread that I may once again be unwrapping a fish plate. I will let you figure out which is which.

I have never put too much stock into online dating or using it as a medium to meet people. I find it to always be disingenuous. No one can accurately describe them self or do justice to who they really are. When people do it is hard to sift through all of it to get to the core of who they are. So I just don't bother. Pictures are misleading, ages can be doctored, skills and other attractive qualities can be made up. I can go online and say I am an 80 year old grandmother. Doesn't mean it's true.

So when given options I would much rather take a face to face, but again it terrifies me I would rather sit safe at home with miles of phone line between me and the other person but I don't trust those people. OK Captain Conundrum what is it? See why I get frustrated with me too.

So when people want to talk with me and immediately want to meet for coffee or dinner or whatever I tend to just brush them off. Two, I find those people to be desperate and will throw themselves at anything with a pulse and a dick. I just don't roll like that. So the question now becomes, How do you solve a problem like Maria? When I am either paralyzed with fear or completely not trusting?

When you figure it out give me a buzz I would like to know.

1 comment:

scrawler said...

I always suggest to people that we meet for coffee or something equally flee-able if I've met so-and-so online for the same reasons you've mentioned. But I don't have scads of experience with it. If I want to talk to someone beyond two paragraph-long exchanges then it's time for a meet and greet.

Beyond that, you are so money, baby. Go get 'em tiger.