What a bizzaro weekend. This was in essence my one free weekend of the marching season. We usually go from the first of September to mid October with one thing or another during a weekend. But this year we have managed to get one totally free weekend. No contest, no football game. And what pray tell did I do with my weekend? Well Friday I went to the gym and then got a wild hair and started purging my closet, it really hasn't stopped I just moved on to my dressers. I did do something fun don't be mistaken. I went out and hung out with my friend Xena and her friend Mindy who I really dig she is fun times. I ended up staying out pretty late. Later than I normally would when I am at Gregs. To my friends who I normally go out with don't take this next part wrong but I stayed out later because I was actually having great conversations. I am not saying with the others I don't this was just new and fresh and there for more interesting. We ended up talking music with another Butler alumna who also is a musician. It was fantastic I don't know if it was because I was drunk but I really had a great time and really miss playing in a good group. It has been so long, I would love to find a way to do more serious playing. I mean the big gay band is fine but honestly even on a secondary instrument I am bored. I would love a challenge; it's been a while for that.
Anyway my Saturday was more cleaning and boxing up things for goodwill and then I went, where you might ask on a weekend that was to be marching band free, to a marching band competition. Yes I know, I was free I should have run for the hills but alas I went. A few months ago a great friend of mine got hired as a band director 2 weeks before her band camp was to start and she had no drill and know idea what her kids were capable of doing. She asked and I said I would write some drill for her. Now she had come by a DVD of the previous year's performance, we watched it and granted I didn't do by any means my best work; however what I did produce was miles ahead of what they had. With all of this in mind I really wanted to see her band and see how they were doing with what I gave them. I was impressed; understand most of that band is in Jr. High. What I gave them, for most bands would not be challenging but for them it was and they were handling it well. Kudos to them. After I left the competition I met up with some friends for dinner and then we went out to the bars. I know 2 nights in a row what the hell is wrong with me. We didn't stay late, which was fine with me I really didn't need to. This morning was a slow day more cleaning and the gym and then I had volunteered earlier in the week to do a Parish night.
What is a Parish night you may be wondering, or maybe you are wondering why I read this blog. A Parish night is an opportunity for families in different catholic parishes to get together to here faculty and staff talk up the school I teach for. I had never been to one and this was a new concept to me. Though I had heard of it before I have never witnessed it and I never really understood it. It's like interest meetings we had for my fraternity in college. It was all the way out in Brownsburg, I am simply amazed as to the lengths people will go to send their kids to this school that is quite a haul.
So let's recap on my free weekend I went out twice made a hefty donation to goodwill, went to a band competition that my band was not at and did and info night for my school. Other than getting out to the bars that was a sad free weekend. Don't get me wrong it was well needed and productive. Yea I have a life; it's still in the shrink wrap.